These girls are bad
They don't fit into the society standards of anything.
These girls want revenge
These girls will have revenge
Yelena - popular
Tanya Davison- spoilt
Ariel - strong.
Raven- Focused
Anne marie- dramatic
Tatyana- determined
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Tatyana Swear word: Fuck Allergic to: Fake friends Determination: Never quit Style: A true original Tatyana is : Imperator Furiosa Quote: I'm a nice person but if you cross my line too many times everything can change easily
.---. Dilemma /di-le-mma/ A difficult circumstance or problem .---.
Never have I been more disappointed in myself then now
The last time was when my best friend practically used me Now I know its not my fault
Gloria used to be my good friend, I picked her up before school and dropped her home in my car And her house was at the other side of town Soon I felt that she was taken advantage of me
She would get in my car busily texting or calling not even sparing me a word and I wouldn't see her till I had to pick her up
She never said thank you for the rides, or contribute for gas and the conversations we're negative I became furious for myself for putting up with her for so long!
One day I kindly told Gloria that I wouldn't be able to pick her up so she never sought my company Now I don't care
I walked out of the bathroom shaking The test came out positively Damn it am pregnant Am still 18 a senior in highschool but still I looked at the test again Two red lines Positive I took five test and all came out positive My parents will kill me I just signed me death sentenced
And I know Gerald will accept the child but my parents will disown me I laid on my bed crying
"Tatyana, miel ven a cener". Mom said in Spanish
Tatyana honey come down for dinner
"Vienè mamà". I replied Coming mama
I cleaned my face quickly As I rushed to the dinner table