14: die hard

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All I could think of last night is the girls plan it will be great if Scott could pay, I still couldn't reach him

The bastard

I usually didn't apply makeup on my face but the bags under my eyes didn't disappear even concealer and foundation couldn't cover it, I wonder why I even tried

I tried using sun glasses but I looked wierd I decided to let it be I applied mascara to pop out my eyes and some lip gloss, I am having a bad hair day, you know being mixed doesn't guarantee long straight locious hair like Zendaya, I have big thick curls that always get mixed up I love my curls but sometimes its a headache

I just put it in a pineapple style, which is one of the syles i don't have to put much work into and wore my light blue skinny jeans with a grey hood and some Adidas
I wasn't trying to impress anyone as far as I'm concerned I'm going to a convent after highschool and deal with the whole Scott Fiasco

"You look good hon, trying to impress someone? ".  Mama asked
"Ma!, I'm gonna be a nun". I joked
"Yh yh, let's go". Mama said

She dont usually drop me to school I used to follow scott but mama here being the sweet mom that she is she drops me to school
"Bye ma".  I said
"Take care honey make mama proud". She said while driving off

I don't know if i'm the only one here who prefares squidward over spongebob?
Ok let's get this clear Squidward is a realist but spongebob is like a leach in his life and spongebob being all optimistic and open minded things walk out for him
In life I feel like a Squidward and life is being all Spongebob on me

Time flew and soon it was lunchbreak
I sat on a chair next to trash can all alone

"Well well well of it isn't the jailbird".  Maddison said

Like i Don't know what maddisons problem with me is?  She's a class ahead of me and still bullies me like WHAT!!!!!

They are like royalty in our school, three girls
Madison Perkins
Rhody Bonne
Miley Milton

Madison is known as perky Perkins for her perky boobs, she's the most popular in the group and school

She has fairly nice blond hair and blue eyes, she changes cloths like I change my underwear and never repeats am outfit, her father is the towns mayor hence her wealth

Rhody has blond hair and brown eyes, I find it hard to believe they all have blond hair like Whyyyyy
Anyways her parents are rich but not filthy, her dad owns an automobile industry

Miley is a totally different case she's more reserved and her brown hair is always in a ponytail she's in my grade while the rest two are seniors, no one knows about her parents

They've always made my school life miserable and it got worst when I started dating Scott, I think Madison is jealous

Once I went to a party, and the next day rumors were spread that I had sex with one of the boys there. That wasn't true at all

Sometimes I'll hear a rumor that I'm dating someone- someone whom, in fact, I don't know!  Madison and her crew don't even check the facts

To sum everything up I've been a constant victim, it was rumored that I was selling drugs, buying drugs and doing drugs

Those girls are vindictive and gruesome

"Are you deaf". Rhody said while pushing me

No one will notice when they started but when I pounce on one of them and beat them down everyone will be all over me

"Listen up everyone". Miley said she climed a table trying to get everyone's attention

Oh boy here goes nothing

"The innocent Annie- Saint Annie here got arrested". She yelled everyone was in awe and even some students began to take out their phones to record

Let me set something straight

Bullying doesn't only involve incidents if physical harm, most bullies use their mouths not their fists. Threats, insults, Sarcasm and ridicule can be forms of bullying.

Girls can bully and harass too.

If your being bullied or sexually harassed, there's nothing you can do about it

Ok scarth that, theres something you can do stand up to them

"What to know what she did? ". Miley continued, I felt fresh tears from my eyes

"YES". Everyone roared
I immediately wipe it off, I am a srong girl

"She shoplifted, is Annie so poor that she has to rely on stolen foods? ". Miley asked still laughing hysterically

The whole cafeteria roared with laugther as tears poured from my eyes like rain

"We'll hate to leave you in your misery but we got places to be, bye loser". Madison said

I stood up to leave but Miley tripped me, as soon as I fell eveyone laughed as if it was anticipated, I didnt even wait a second a left with the speed of lightening

Never in my life will I think that Madison's word will hurt me so bad

Hello blondies
Short chapter right?
I know LOL
Thought on Madison and het crew?

Question of the day

Favorite color?
Pale gold, rose gold smd black

Comment your thoughts and answers

Love y'all 😍😍😍😍😍
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Word count: 909

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