Author's note/challenge and Disclaimer

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 challenge is at the end for those of you only interested in that, but the AN is important for background so please read it

Disclaimer: I do not own the PJO/HOO/TOA universe/world, thus I also do not own the characters, Rick Riordan is the owner of those things. I am doing this for the fun of writing a story, and no other reason.

AN: I'm skipping out on the reconstruction and building, as I think that is boring. Same goes for the Olympians being in a endless argument (when are they not). 

As this is an AU the ground rules are, TOA doesn't happen. Poseidon doesn't have a good relationship with Percy, and views him more as a weapon and pawn than an actual son. Zeus apollogized, after the second giant war, for trying to kill Percy and blaming him for things he couldn't have possibly done at the time, in privacy, so only the two know about it. The Olympians largely remain in debate on if Apollo should be punished or not, making tensions run higher among them. It's also the beginning summer after the second giant war. 

I plan on at least a weekly, but it could come faster/more frequent

most updates are going to be grammatical correction, spelling corrections.

if it is a major update the title will have (Edited) to it

Challenge: I know some people like "reading (insert story name here)", so if anyone wants to do that here then so be it go ahead and come up with something creative.

What I would like to see from it would be set in the cannon universe, shortly after the second giant war was over (make it happen on Percy's seventeenth birthday for extra fun). If you do bring characters over from the story, please have them be initially disguised, and not letting any relationships(ships) slip too early. Make the reactions to the ships, any way you want, I don't really care. 

And the actual challenge part of this, finish it, as I've seen way to many unfinished stories like this, and I actually enjoy them

suggestions, either have this story in Bold, or normal print, and have the reading characters be the inverse. I usually find that the easiest, but you could use Italics or underline, as well, whichever you prefer

Olympus Reborn Book 1: Poseidon's War (A PJO/HOO AU)Where stories live. Discover now