Chapter 8: The Fall of Atlantis

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Kymopoleia's POV:

It's been about a year since the end of the war and I got bored of staying in the ruins of my father's former palace. So, I did the reasonable thing and left, to see if that Jupiter kid is actually keeping his promises. I'll also get to see my lil bro again to so that's another reason to go. Hopefully, they have my action figure ready, I really want one, and don't question me about it.

I was about to get to CHB when I literally swam into something. Now, I know it's not a sea creature, because they generally stay away from me. 

"Hey, Kym, good to see you again," my brother said reaching into his pocket

"Perseus, why are you reaching into your pocket. I'm not going to hurt you, you're my brother" I said truly baffled at why he thought I would attack him. He seemed to relax at my words though and grow solemn almost

"I guess you didn't hear that I am no longer your brother then," He said

"What do you mean"

"Father disowned me..." I cut him off because my father is an idiot

"HE DID WHAT" I more or less yelled at him, not really meaning to. I was angry, give me a break.

"He disowned me after declaring war on Olympus. As CHB is home to me, and I'm siding with Olympus I am heading off to slow his armies, and hopefully prevent them from reaching it"

"what about that Jupiter boy" 

"He's siding with the legion against his father"

I began to think I could get something really good out of this, "What would I get if I side with you over them, or remain neutral. Sell me on this war"

"I won't be able to give you personally much, but I do know that Briares is siding with father. And if I somehow take control of the seas over from Poseidon, and you fight alongside me, I wouldn't force you into an unwanted marriage"

"Will I be able to wreak havoc upon the seas whenever I wish"

"Not all of the seas, but I will allow you to have a sacred area, where you can do as you wish, as for the other areas just ask before you do something," he said. He may not be my brother anymore, but he is the awesomest lil bro there is, even more, awesome than that sun god person, Apollo I think.

"Will I get an action figure"

"I will see what I can do, and do my best to get you one" He answered

"How desperate are you in this war and how are you able to breathe underwater if Poseidon disowned you," I asked allowing curiosity to take place before I agree to anything

"Well we are fairly desperate, and how I can breathe underwater, I don't know, I think the seas disagree with Poseidon's decision on disowning me" he answered

"Hmmm, ok I'll join you, but I want my action figure," I said, "Oh, and let me bless you, I have to make sure you can still breath underwater after all" and with that I blessed him

Percy's POV:

Kym scares me and don't tell her I said that. She also confuses me, a lot. I mean why does she want an action figure depicting her so badly, and why would she bless me, just to ensure I can breathe underwater. We just had an entire conversation underwater. 

"Oh Percy, Can I destroy this palace of his too, I kinda got bored at the old one," she asked me

"I don't see why not. I'm not going to use it, but have you I don't know considered commandeering it for your own use" I suggested. She seemed to be thinking about that for a while before shaking her head

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