Chapter 20: The Fates Hate Me

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Percy's POV:

"Nico, what in the name of the Gods happened to you" Will shouted angrily

"OOOOh, You know starved, tortured by the kindly ones, and left to rot in a cell under guard so I couldn't escape" Nico sassed in his own way, "What about you"

Will just looked furious and was probably about to kill Hades, but he was more concerned about Nico and went to tend to his injuries. Everyone else, however, felt scared about what Will would do to Hades. 

"Will can you please, baby and doctor Nico after we get to Olympus," I asked, and despite Nico's terrible state, I could tell he was trying not to laugh, while he managed a scowl. Will, on the other hand, blushed bright enough to be considered the sun, but he nodded nevertheless.

We packed up our encampment, brought our prisoner and two dead bodies with us, and made our way to the edge of the Styx where we arrived. When Hades summoned Charon to transport everyone back across to the land of the living. 

When we all arrived back in DOA, much to the shock of Annabeth and Peter, we walked outside to be greeted by Hermes, who looked bored.

"Hey Lord Hermes, George, Martha. " I said

"Do you have any mice with you," George asked

"That's all you think about isn't it," Martha said to scold him

"Will both of you be quiet, I need to take these Heroes to Olympus," Hermes said

"What of Hades," I asked, "He requested to formally surrender on Olympus" 

"fine he can come to, but he stays in the chains, and I'm not taking responsibility for him," Hermes said, flashing us off to Olympus. 

Hermes did deliver us to Olympus. I was, however, surprised by who all was there. The Romans were here and being peaceful with the Greeks. Kym was studying what appeared to be an action figure, I'm guessing it was the one she was asking for. But what would come to surprise me the most, was that there was a woman that looked oddly like my mother, with a small baby in her arms, and an older gentleman, with salt and pepper hair, standing beside her, and they were talking to Artemis. I was about to go over and see if my suspicions were true, but got brought out of my thoughts by an angry Zeus.

"Hades, what are you doing here" Zeus sneered, probably ready to kill Hades.

"Brother, I wish to surrender, formally to you," Hades said.

 Now, I don't know what was running through Zeus's head, but what he said surprised everyone, "No, Hades. You will not surrender to me, but instead, you will surrender to the general of my army, the one who lead the war effort of Olympus and led her once again to the glory of victory. You will surrender to Perseus"

Hades looked miffed but, Zeus summoned a table and I sat down on one side of it, waiting for Hades, to sit on the other side. "what are the terms of my surrender then Nephew" Hades spat fairly rudely. Probably because he's embarrassed by having to surrender to a demigod in front of everyone. 

"The terms are unconditional surrender," I said simply not leaving any room for argument.

"I, I can't accept that" Hades started, and seemed like he was about to go on in a rant worthy of Zeus

"well your other option is to join Poseidon in death, your choice," I said, placing a hand on Riptide. I heard a small gasp when I said Poseidon's death but chose to ignore it, just thinking it was probably one of the campers from Camp Jupiter.

"fine, I agree to the unconditional surrender of myself, my forces, and the underworld, Perseus," Hades said. I accepted, and Hades signed the documents outlining his surrender, making it official.

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