III. I Hate You

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I sat on the seat in the living room and watched some TV. I realised that they have netflix and decided to watch some more outerbanks. When I went onto the show it was already on episode 8 and since I was only episode 4 I went back to carry on from where I was. Oh my JJ is something different I swearrrr!!! After a while I looked at my phone and it said it was 10pm, I was really tired but Mer said Johnny would be home soon and so I thought I should wait up for him. Soon after I tried to call Annie to talk but she didn't pick up, she must be sleeping-how nice wish I could sleep right now. Johnny's already on my nerves and he's not even home yet! Ugh! I got to the end of episode 4 of OBX and so I went onto episode 5. This is ridiculous WHERE WAS HE! I suddenly heard a car park up onto the drive and the head lights shine through the windows at the front of the house. This better be Johnny I thought to myself. I heard a jingle and the door handle move.
Johnny walked in but he was on the phone, probably to Brynn or some other air head
"Alright yeah I just got home haha sick night bro" he said down to the phone before hanging up. He put his keys on the kitchen table and turned around to me as I was now stood up facing him. And froze.
"What the hell are you doing here?" He said to me in slight disgust

"Baby sitting" I replied rolling my eyes

"YOUR my sitter?!" "Great" he mumbled the last part
"You know we're the same age I don't need you to look after me so why don't you just go home and we'll pretend to our parents your here?" He added

"Your joking right?! Trust me I don't want to be with you more than you don't want to be with me but I can't go home my mom is there" I responded
I rolled my eyes and sat back down on the chair

"HEY! You moved my place in outerbanks!" He yelled

"What the hell?! Your the one who watches this?" I asked

"What did you not get from my place?"

"Isn't this show for like girls though?" I chuckled
"No!" He quickly said rolling his eyes

"God as if I'm stuck with a nerd!" He added

"God as if I'm stuck with an arrogant pig" I mimicked

He rolled his eyes and sat next down near me

"Have you eaten anything?" He asked me

"Yeah I had dinner before I came here, how about you?"

"Nah had some snacks at my friends though"

"Snacks aren't dinner. Let's order some takeout for you" I suggested

"You know you don't actually have to baby sit me" he said rolling his eyes

"You know you roll your eyes a lot? If you keep doing it they might never roll back down" I joked
And again he just rolled his eyes

"So pizza?" I asked

"Ugh, whatever sure"

I rang the takeout company and they said they'd be about 10 ish minutes.

"We've got some time to kill I guess" I told Johnny
I yawned and closed my eyes for a few seconds
"Tired?" Johnny asked

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