In Memorandom

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At my friend's house ringing in the new year. I'm trying to stay awake for the rest of the year so I figured I'd update. Here's what I remember about 2014:

-I was Nana and the crocodile in my school production of Peter Pan Jr.

-I coined the term dogcridile to describe the above combination

-I wore a trashcan on my head

-I got contacts

-I got two more cousins

-I fell out of a tree

-I went to my first sleepover

-I helped make Taudrey and Jemily come true

-I beat a 10 year old in a snowball fight

-I got a Polyvore account

-I had a birthday

-I stole a different 10 year old's jacket

-I fell out of a tree again

-I got my own room

-I eat lunch at 9:30 each morning at school

-I almost got hit by a car

-I got a Fanfiction account

-I discovered BBC Sherlock

-I discovered Benedict Cumberbatch

-I got a Wattpad account

-I sprained my ankle

-I stole that jacket again

That's all I can think of now. I hope everyone has a wonderful 2015. Bye!

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