Find Myslef (Part 3)

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"Wait wait, no!" I shout as I'm suddenly lifted and thrown into the pool. I come up and hear Seth laughing loudly from the outside of the pool. I glare at him playfully and say "Haha very funny. Now help me out." I say and he catches his breath before giving me his hand and that's when I give him a sinister grin and his smiles falls. "Well shit." He mutters before I pull him in the pool and laugh just as loud as he did. He come out from under and try's to look mad but laughs along with me brushing his hand threw his now wet hair. "Well it looks like you two have settled in." We both hear and turn seeing Carlisle and Esme are back from hunting. "Yeah, you could say that." I say with a grin as we both climb out the pool still in our clothes making them laugh. "You guys need to go change we have a whole day planned for us." Esme says with a excited smile. "Like What?" Seth asks just as excited making me smile to him softly. "It's a surprise." She states heading inside and we follow behind heading up to our shared room.

After we both changed I look to Seth and say "You were right." He raises a confused brow "About?" "Us needing a break away from everything, this is... amazing." I say trying to find the right words. "I know and there's no one I'd rather be here with." He says hugging me from behind. I laugh and rest into his embrace as we both just sit in a shirt comfortable silence not wanting this to end when we hear Carlisle say "Are you both ready." "Yeah." We both say before taking each other's hand and following them to the car. After a short drive we make it to this building and I then look up seeing a tree house like platform in the high trees and then get out the car. "What is this place?" Seth asks also confused. We walk to the building and Esme says "See for yourself." When there's a sudden scream of excitement from above. We both quickly look up and see that it's a zip line and we both laugh. "This is gonna be awesome." I say enthusiastically. "It's one of the longest zip lines here. It goes through the jungle and has a lot of sights to see." Carlisle says. I jump up and down excited as we make our way inside. We pay and then are led up the very tall ladder. About half way through I look down since I was the first to see a nervous Seth. I chuckle "What? Scared of heights?" I tease making him glare up at me. "What? No!" He quickly says and then looks down and I hear a slight gulp confirming my thoughts and laugh. "Well at least I got a great view." He remarks with a sly grin making me chuckle and the shake the ladder a bit making his face freeze and say "Stop!" And I then laugh loudly before climbing up the rest of the way while he tries to convince me he wasn't afraid.

We're at the top and the guy looks to us and says "Single or double rider." "Double." Seth and I say as they both hook us up to the harnesses me in the front and Seth behind me. He tightens all the buckles before asking "You guys ready?" We nods with wide smiles as I feel him wrap his arms over my shoulders and I take my hand putting it over his. Esme then says "Wait." We turn and look to her as she pulls out a camera taking some pictures before saying "Okay, go on and have fun." We nod to the guy and he pushes us and I close my eyes gasping at the sudden sip and speed as we start flying through the forest. I look around in awe as my hair flips around wildly in the wind and shout "This is incredible!" I hear Seth laugh and let out a lout shout also. I feel him tap my shoulder and say "Oh wow, look at that." I turn my head and see a large waterfall with beautiful vines with flowers growing on them and tropical birds flying around. "Woah." I mutter lowly and smile softly. "You got that right." He says also looking. We speed by it after a few moments and then see we're high above a bridge where they have some people walking across in the jungle on tours. And then my eyes widen thanks to my super hearing and I turn my head and in slow motion see monkeys a few hundred feet away leaping from tree to tree. About three minutes later we came to a stop at the other end of the zip line where they unhooked us and we got out the harnesses. "That view was just, wow." I say to the worker who laughs and says "It's my favorite thing about this job. I never get tired of it." I nod agreeing as we wait for Esme and Carlisle who came a few minutes after before heading to our next stop.

"I'm starving." I say and Seth nods agreeing saying "I'm as hungry as a wolf." I give him a really look as he shrugs with a grin and I then chuckle as we walk through the streets of Brazil. We're holding hands as we walk up to a food stand and order. We then walk over to a table and sit down to enjoy our meal while Esme and Carlisle went elsewhere. "Do you think the Volturi will come back?" Seth suddenly questions making me look to him. "I Uh honestly don't know. They'd use anything as an excuse to come to us. Plus they did say they would come check up on Ness and me every once and a while to see if we were still not dangerous." I say with quotes using my hands. At this he rolls his eyes angrily. "They really piss me off." He states and I nod "Same, they're the monsters." I mutter and then look back to my food saying "Let's not worry about that right now. Let's enjoy today." He nods with a smile and we turn back to eating while watching the dancers dance in the street and listen to the music they are playing.

(Sorry I've been gone for so long guys, I've really got no excuse but needing a break but I have been working on lots of other books in my drafts. I want to get them mostly done thought before i post them so you all don't have to wait as long though. Ps I love you guy!!!🥰🥰)(also let me know if you want me to post what I have anyway, I'm up for suggestions)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2020 ⏰

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