Just your average family

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I sigh hearing the annoying sound of my alarm clock and turn over in my bed seeing its eight o'clock. I sit up and stretch hopping out of the bed and the use my gift opening the curtains letting the bright light in my room. Not even a second later Alice bursts in "Well morning to you to." I chuckle opening my closet and getting dressed. "Isn't it." She says in her usual cheerful tone. "Today's the day we finally get to let you play baseball with us for the first time." I grin looking to her "Really!" "Yeah, I mean you've only been wanting to do this since the first time you've seen us play." "Well yeah but then I would have been killed catching the ball." I laugh and she joins in. "Well were all getting ready and Esme is making lunch for you and Renesmee. We'll leave in like and hour or so and after the game we'll just have some fun." "Sounds great. And speaking of Ness I'm going to head over there for breakfast." "Oh alright just be sure they will be ready. Today's going to be great, I've seen it." She says leaving the room and I let out a breathless laugh.

I make my way out the door only to run into Carlisle who's sitting outside reading. "Morning Carlisle." I say walking past him. He lowers his book and smiles before saying "Good morning to you to Y/n. It's a beautiful day isn't it." I nod "Well at least until that storm around lunch." "Ahh that's rights, baseball time." I jump at that with excitement "Yep!" He laughs. I then look to my phone seeing I'm five minutes late "Shit. I've got to go see you later!" I exclaim and then speed away making it to Bella and Edwards cottage seconds later. I walk right in not bothering to knock and see Ness at the table laughing at Edward who had flour on his face. I smile and look seeing Bella is the one making the pancakes with a smile. She really is lucky, this is the life she's always wanted. At that Edward must have heard my thoughts and looked up with a grin and I say "Where's my favorite girl!" Ness quickly jumps up her smile widening more if possible "Y/n!" She runs to me and I embrace her and fall backwards pretending she took me down "Woah there! What are you trying to do to me kid." She laughs saying "Moms making pancakes." "Ohhh pancakes. You sure she didn't buy them from the store without you noticing." Bella looks my way with a playful glare "What? Your were never the best cook." "That was until i became immortal and know what I'm doing now." I laugh "so your cheating?" I ask with a raised eyebrow and smirk. She laughs annoyed as I lean on the counter "Don't you have something better to do?" She asks "Nope. Annoying you is the highlight of my day." I joke. I then feel Ness take her hand on my own bringing me to the table. "Look y/n/n! I drew you a picture yesterday." I smile and take it from her seeing a pretty good drawing for a eight year old of me, her, and I smile seeing a two large wolves. "See look it's me, you, Seth, and Jake." She says pointing to each. "It's beautiful." I tell her. "Can I keep this amazing master piece ms. Picasso." She laughs and nods. I fold it carefully and put it in my bag and sit at the table just as Edward puts our plates down with pancakes "Mmhhh." I say taking a quick bite. I see Edward laugh and say "What?" "Nothing." He chuckles. I squint my eyes and say "Don't judge me sparkles." At that his smiles disappears with a frown making me laugh. "Very funny." He says rolling his eyes but let's a small smile show going back to Bella.

After we finished we all walked out the door speeding to the main house. "Honey, I'm home!" I shout opening the door and I hear Emmetts booming laugh. "You guys ready or what?" I ask as Rose walks up to me with a baseball cap matching her own. She puts it in my head and says "Just right." I chuckle and head back outside where the others followed pursuit. We then all speed to the field.

Once we got there I stopped looking around. I haven't been here since James, Victoria, and Laurant. I guess Jasper felt my slight discomfort as he walked up to me putting his hand on my shoulder with a small smile. I put my hand over his own and smiled a thanks before getting those memories out of my mind focusing on now. "Alright Edward and Emmett, you two are the team captains this time." Carlisle says. "Emmett shows his signature smirk before saying "I'll go first." "Rose." He says but it was obvious she would be his first choice. "Bella." Edward says. Not smart they should pick the best players as soon as they could. "Y/n." Emmett says making me smirk as I walk to his side high-fiving him. "Esme." Edward calls. "Carlisle." "Alice." "Jasper." Once the teams were separated and Ness was a safe distance away with Jake who just arrived along with Seth. I go up to him and we kiss passionately "Hey lovely." I say jokingly making him laugh. "Hey." He says then adds "Be careful and kick their ass." I nod with a smirk going up to the plate ready to bat. Alice plays on the base looking up and saying "Now." We all smile as she winds up and throws "I watch the ball as it comes my way and swing my bat hitting the ball causing it to let out at loud crackling sound like thunder. I then speed of passing first base, than second, I'm almost to third when I notice Edward running my way and he looks to Esme who as the home base and prepares to throw making me go faster. He throws it and I quickly slide along the ground my foot touching the plate a second before she catches the ball. "Safe." Rose shouts and I laugh jumping up happily.

Another hour or so goes bye until we stop so that Ness and I could eat our lunch, so we're all just sitting in the grass talking and laughing. I take a bit and laugh laying my head back in Seth's chest since I'm sitting in his lap and look up to see him laughing as well. Ness goes to speak until she screams when a rather loud sound thunder suddenly came out of nowhere. We laugh at her slightly and I then look up saying "I think we going to be getting wet." Just as I said that out of nowhere the rain pounded down on us as we all jumped up. "My shoes!" Alice shouts and everyone else looks frantic until I laugh and so they all joined in. Next thing you know I feel mud hit my face. I slowly turned my head to see Jacob failing to look inauspicious "Ohhhh your on." I then use my gift lifting a large amount of mud making his eyes widen and I can see the regret on his face as he says "Is it to late to say... sorry?" With a nervous smile. "Yeah. It is." I say before dropping it all on him as the others laughed loudly and next thing you know he's in wolf form shaking it all off hitting everyone. Let's just say we started a war, and a messy one at that. I quickly move out of the way seeing Emmett aiming for me and duck. I back up a bit accidentally running into Seth making us both fall to the ground since it's all wet. We both laugh uncontrollably until it dialed down and we were just smiling and staring into each other's eyes. He was onto me and then his lips met mine in a loving kiss, I kissed back happily until more mud hit us. We both looked up seeing the others all with mud in there hands looking to us. "Well shit..." I mutter as they all tag team us. Then later we went home all showered and then decided to watch a movie together. I was sitting in Seth's lap our hands intertwined a blank o top of us feeling more than pleased by today's turn of events.

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