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i. late night call


rosalind stood in the hallway of her new apartment, admiring her interior design work on the living room. a gray couch was pushed against the wall with a white end table on either side. above was a large picture of some pacific northwest landscape. a white coffee table that matched the end tables was placed in front of the couch and on top of it were a few generic coffee table books that she had never and likely would never read. a forgotten, cold cup of tea sat on a coaster. on the wall in front of the couch was a mounted television and what few family pictures she had.

she smiled, took a breath, and moved into the bedroom to start fixing her bed from ikea. she could just snap and have it done but she wasn't going to risk using any sort of powers. not while she was trying to escape danger.

in a few hours, the bed was made, rosalind was sweaty, and nails were scattered all around the room. she didn't struggle while getting the heavy mattress onto the bed (being a celestial being had its disadvantages but one thing she enjoyed was her less-than-human strength). to put on the sheets, she put her hands in the corners and jumped on the bed, effectively spreading the sheet and making it easy the thing underneath the mattress. the large blue duvet came next. then the pillows, then the throw blanket at the end, and rosalind was done.

she fell back onto the bed, sinking into the duvet and wrapping herself in the warmth of it. the city lights coming from the still bustling washington, dc bathed the dark room in a soft glow.

she closed her eyes slowly while the exhaustion from the past few days caught up to her and within a few minutes she was asleep.

rosalind taylor moved out to dc for her new job in the behavioral analysis unit at the fbi academy in quantico, virginia. she was recommended for the job by a friend from her college and the doctorate in neuroscience she had made her a good asset for the team. so she took the jump, went through the academy, and was being immediately moved to them next monday.

or so she thought.

rosalind was rudely awoken by the sound of her phone ringing incessantly on the bedside table. she made no move to get up at first but when it continued to ring, she got up with a grunt and felt around for it before placing it to her ear.

"hello?" she mumbled out.

"rosalind taylor?" a deep, masculine voice came from the other end.

"yes. who's this?"

"this is aaron hotchner. i'm the unit chief for the bau. i know you were supposed to start monday but we just got a big case in texas and we're flying down in two hours. you'll be briefed on the jet."

rosalind took the phone away from her ear and made a very loud sound of exasperation. "isn't it saturday?"

aaron chuckled a little. "you'll get used to it eventually."

she sighed but got up from her bed and started to get ready. "i'll be there in an hour."

"see you then."

rosalind hung up the phone and threw it on her bed, not bothering to check if it slid off (it did). with heavy eyes and slow movements, she threw on a pair of black jeans, a white turtleneck, and a black blazer on top of it. her hair was thankfully already curled and all she had to do was pull it back into a simple but professional updo. on her feet were a simple pair of black boots. she grabbed a duffel bag from the closet and threw some clothes in it.

in ten minutes, she was at the front door of her apartment putting on a plain black trenchcoat over the rest of her clothes. the northeastern november air was not something she wanted to be caught in without a coat.

she checked the clock on the microwave, seeing it was hitting midnight then left her apartment, locking the door behind her.


just as rosalind said, she arrived at quantico in exactly one hour. it would've been longer had she not picked up a few driving habits from an old friend of hers (which did include speeding).

she made her way into the building and followed arrows and signs towards the bau bullpen where a taller, curly-haired man and a dark-haired woman were standing. rosalind pushed the door open and the two people looked at her then looked at each other with a bit of excitement. rosalind met the two halfway into the bullpen.

"you must be the new agent! hi, i'm agent emily prentiss and this doctor spencer reid," the dark-haired woman said. she took rosalind's hand firmly shook it

rosalind smiled at her. "yeah, hi! i'm doctor rosalind taylor."

"ooh, pretty boy's got some competition," said a man coming from a hallway with a cup of coffee in his hand.

"what's your doctorate in?" spencer asked, not out of meanness but out of curiosity. maybe he had just met someone with an intelligence level of his caliber.

"it's a doctorate in neuroscience from johns hopkins. i started out studying to be a neurosurgeon but found more interest in behavioral science and psychology," rosalind answered while feeling a little awkward about talking about her education and achievements.

the man with the coffee in his hand came over to rosalind and extended his free hand. "agent derek morgan," he said. it was quite obvious to rosalind that he was making an attempt to flirt with her but it very much didn't work. she still took his hand and shook it.

"IS THIS THE NEW AGENT?!" yelled out from someone behind her. she turned around with wide eyes and found a rather eccentrically dressed blonde woman standing at the open door.she bounded over to rosalind and enveloped her in an excited hug. she pulled away. "hi! i'm penelope garcia. i'm the technical analyst here. fancy computer girl."

"baby girl, take a chill pill. you're scaring the poor woman," derek told penelope.

"oh geez! i'm so sorry."

rosalind shook her head and smiled at her. "it's no big deal. i completely understand the excitement that comes from meeting new people. i'm just tired as all get out."

"are you from the south?" said an older man who came up kind of out of nowhere.

rosalind turned and looked at him. "oh no but i used to travel all around the country and just picked up phrases from wherever i went." really, it was the truth. maybe a little bit vague but the truth.

the group around rosalind continued to talk to her and get to know her but were soon interrupted.

"wheels up in 30. let's go!" came the voice from the phone earlier. following behind him was a skinnier blonde woman on the phone.

rosalind pushed her duffel bag higher up on her shoulder and followed the group out and to the airport to take off towards texas.

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