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v. castiel


rosalind didn't know what to do with herself as she sat in the living room of her apartment, awaiting the arrival of sam and dean winchester. the drive would take roughly 20 hours but rosalind desperately hoped that dean would be driving so they'd get here in 16. 

she was worried out of her mind. where had they taken her team? were they alive? hurt? who had taken them? it had to be the angels or demons. no nest of vampires or group of shapeshifters could pull of such a huge plan. 

rosalind twirled an angel blade around in her hands, a product of the extreme anxiousness she felt in every muscle, bone, organ, tissue in her body. god, she felt like such a fool. she couldn't run. she couldn't live a normal life. she was the daughter of an archangel for grandpa's sake. gabriel always told her that he really did love her as his own daughter and wanted her to do what she wanted with her life. but that was hard when your mere existence was considered an abomination by the hundreds of monsters in the world. rosalind chuckled. "you say that like you're not a monster," she uttered to herself. 

she let her guard down and started to think about aaron. if he was hurt or dead, she didn't know if she'd ever be able to forgive herself. he has a son, a life, a home. it was her fault if jack would live the rest of his life without a mother or a father. stray tears fell down rosalind's face but she didn't bother to wipe them. it'd been so long since she had a good cry. 

sobs wracked her body and her shoulders bounced with her cries. but then suddenly the hairs on her neck stood and she felt an inhuman presence lurking nearby. she stood up and braced herself for a fight. 

the door to her apartment was threw open and rosalind blindly attacked. "rosalind!" she backed up from the intruder and gasped when she saw the familiar face in front of her. 

"oh my god! cas!" she threw her arms around the angel and he wrapped his own around her waist, bringing her close. 

the two stayed in their embrace for a few minutes before rosalind finally pulled away. "i'm sorry for attacking you. i've just been so scared and jumpy all day." 

"that's okay, i understand. sam and dean were worried and sent me to find you," castiel explained. she lead him to the couch where the two sat down. "so who's been taken?"

"my coworkers and possibly more people. i don't know. i work in the fbi now in the behavioral analysis unit. it's jj, spencer, derek, emily, penelope, dave, and aaron. cas, they mean a lot to me. i don't know what to do," rosalind started rambling as she slowly began to panic more and more.

castiel placed his hands on her arms and squeezed. "we'll find them. sam and dean will be here soon and we'll look for them," cas told her honestly. rosalind nodded, trying to believe the words cas was telling her. 

needing a distraction, rosalind started a different conversation with cas. "what's been going on with team free will, huh?" 

"well, i'm sure you know we lost crowley and charlie?" cas said solemnly. rosalind nodded and looked down at the ring on her finger. "he gave you that didn't he?" 

"yeah," she responded. 

"sam an dean hated the fact you two were such close friends but i thought it was nice. it's obvious he cared about you. didn't he give you a hellhound for christmas?"

rosalind laughed at the memory. "yeah, he did. sam and dean didn't let me keep it but crowley said she'd live in hell and come help me whenever i needed her. i named her salem." 

the two continued to talk and share memories back and forth after years of not seeing each other. rosalind's worries slipped away for the two hours they talked and it felt nice to be with someone she didn't have to hide anything from. 

the conversation was interrupted when a voice came from the hallway outside of her apartment door. "rosalind," came a sickly sweet voice. "we know you're in there. come on out. our nest is starving and nothing would be better than feeding on a nephilim." 

rosalind and castiel jumped up and assumed fighting positions. a wave of bravery came over her, one that she would feel stupid for later, and she called out to the nest of vampires outside her door to come on in. the door fell down and a group of six or seven barged into the apartment. cas and rosalind started fighting them off one by one. 

it wasn't a fair fight, really. it was a powerful nephilim and an angel against a small group of vampires but rosalind hadn't had much experience taking down monsters in the past couple of years. against her better judgement and the lack of machetes inside of her home, rosalind used her powers to kill the vampires that went after her. glowing golden light came from her hand each time she forced it against the chest of a vampire and within seconds they were dead on her floor. 

soon, rosalind's floor was littered with vampires. cas and rosalind leaned against the wall. "what the hell am i supposed to do with all of these? i'm in middle of the fucking united states capital." 

"do you think you could just snap them out of here? surely you've become more powerful over the years. i think you inherit some of gabriel's tricks the more you grow," castiel suggested.

"i can try," rosalind said. with a snap of her fingers, the bodies were gone. "i don't know where they went but that's not my biggest concern right now." 

"what is your biggest concern?"

"where the hell sam and dean are." 

as if rosalind manifested the arrival of the winchesters, the all too familiar purr of the impala engine came from the street below rosalind's apartment. 

soon, two heavy knocks came to rosalind's door and she ran to it, throwing it open with excitement. "sam! dean!" she shouted, pulling the two into a hug. 

the men chuckled and greeted rosalind. "you missed us, princess?" dean asked.

"more than ever," she responded. pulling away, she resumed her serious demeanor from earlier. 
"now, please, help me find my friends."

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