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iv. memories


rosalind sat on her couch, eyes trained on the wall in front of her. another migraine was forming in her head. angel radio had a large spike like she figured it would. they were yelling at each other and she knew it was about her. 

"the abomination!"

"the nephilim!"

"she's alive!"

"she used her power!"

rosalind closed her eyes tight as words of enochian bounced around in her mind. they were going so quickly and so incessantly. 

"SHUT UP!" she yelled into open air. she yelped as glass cups in the kitchen shattered and left shards everywhere. she let out a breathy sigh and got up to start cleaning but stopped midway when her alarm clock went off, very effectively startling her. she had no idea what time it was but apparently it was six and she now had to start getting ready for work.

it was a struggle trying to fish through her closet with every little sound making her jump ten feet into the air and sometimes breaking whatever was closest to her. eventually, she had on a black t-shirt, a green cardigan, and a black pencil skirt. she had a pair of green, suede heels that would've went great with the rest of the outfit but out of slight fear of having to run at any point in the day, she opted for a pair of black loafers. 

she didn't bother doing her hair as much as she would. it instead just fell down her shoulders in a cascade of waves and curls from the previous day. 

rosalind stood at her front door. she looked to a locked chest sitting in her living room on a shelf. inside were some remnants from her old life. she went over to it, took it down and placed it on the coffee table. she whispered some words of enochian and the lock came undone and the chest lifted open. 

the first things she was greeted with were pictures. some were polaroids, some where just printed onto paper, all of them were of her with her friends. 

she carefully picked up a polaroid with some words written with a sharpie marker on it. 

2011, august. 

out drinking with dean.

she picked another picture up.

2012, valentines day. 

castiel bought me a teddy bear.

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