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vii. ambush


rosalind and sam took careful, silent steps around the side of the building. they both scanned diligently for some sort of entrance and rosalind found it: a broken window that was once boarded up with planks of wood but was now completely open. she went in first, angel blade gripped tightly in her hand. sam followed in after but made a little more noise than he intended to. they stood with bated breath and then continued after no danger presented itself.

a strong, incredibly musty scent overwhelmed rosalind's senses and she briefly wished she could just be human. she turned to sam and asked, "do you smell that?"

he sniffed a couple times before nodding. "smells like death to me." 

rosalind's body tensed but she didn't stop walking. they came onto a set of stairs and ascended them. the farther up they went, the stronger the scent became but now it was beginning to mix with sulfur. they skipped two floors, finding they were completely void of anything. 

"there's nothing on the east wing," came castiel's voice in her mind. 

"we haven't seen anything yet. we're on the fourth floor," she responded. "castiel just said they haven't found anything yet." 

sam looked at rosalind who's expression held nothing but fear. her eyes were wide and a little watery with the beginning of tears. her lips were quivering and she felt like the wind had been completely knocked out of her. he paused his climb up the stairs and grabbed onto rosalind's hand. "they'll be okay, alright?" he assured her though he wasn't entirely sure of it himself.

"this is all my fault. i should've just went into hiding somewhere across the country where nobody would find me. i get attached and i fuck up. if they're dead, it's because of me," rosalind started rambling as guilt replaced what nervousness was in her body. "what if jack goes without a father because of me?"

sam didn't know what to say so he instead pulled her in for a hug. she sniffled and let her tears spill out and wet sam's shirt. remembering the dire circumstances they were in, rosalind pulled away and wiped her eyes. she was about to thank sam for comforting her when castiel's rushed and panicked voice rang in her head. 

"sixth floor! sixth floor! they're here. they're alive. but the whole hallway and room is crawling with demons."

rosalind took off in a sprint up the rest of the stairs, sam following close behind even though he wasn't sure what they were doing. she stopped right before she got to a door with a chipped 6 wrote on it. pushing on it, she willed it not to creak and thankfully it didn't. sam came up behind her and peered out the door from above her. "can't they sense you?" he asked.

she held up her hand, the one with the ring on it, and then put it back down. "crowley gave me this. keeps me hidden. will never break." sam just nodded and turned his attention back to the hall. what they assumed was a demon passed by and the two of you quickly ducked behind the door but didn't let it close all the way. "there's not a lot of them in the hall but i'm sure there's a lot more. we have to be stealthy about it. one wrong move and we're all goners." 

"what's the plan?" said castiel. "dean's getting restless."

rosalind tried to come up with a genuine, reasonable plan but could think of nothing. shrugging her shoulders, she put on a brave face. "take them as quick and as quiet as possible. if you mess up, start fighting like hell. it's the best we can do."

sam and rosalind looked out the door again and then to each other. nodding simultaneously, they came from behind the door and took out the three demons in the hall efficiently. sam took out the one closest to the door while rosalind moved down the hall and took out the other two. at the end of the hall was another and at the end of it was an open door with light pouring out of it. the sound of footfalls drew her attention to the end of the hall where dean and castiel came from a door, killing a demon that was watching over it. 

it was all going smoothly until they came forward but dean's foot unknowingly hit a tripwire, causing all hell to break loose. literally. 

demons came from rooms rosalind didn't even know existed and filled the hall. they all flashed sardonic smiles and black eyes. everyone sprang into action. sam took on two demons at once and then three more came his way. more than twice he was knocked against a wall but managed to fight them off and send the angel blade through each of them even though his vision was becoming blurry. 

castiel seemed to be glowing as his bright blue eyes shone each time he smited a demon. some required a little more fighting and he felt himself losing control of the situation. soon, his angel blade slipped from his hand and he was pressing his hand to the foreheads and chests of whatever came closest to him. four demons backed him into a corner and castiel panicked and flew just a few feet away where they ambushed him once more. 

dean was throwing punches and kicks to the groin and anything he could to fight the onslaught of demons that came his way. there were always at least three and he managed to take out most of them with quick swishes of his angel blade but every perfect hunter has his faults. dean let himself get distracted by checking on his friends and then soon, he was hit over the head and fell down to the floor, unconscious. 

rosalind wasn't in any better shape. a few good punches to her gut sent her angel blade flying across the room. panicking, she sent out a blast of golden waves that made the demons coming towards her dissipate into a black cloud. her eyes were a golden yellow and she felt fine for the first few minutes until she became lightheaded. it didn't come as a shock that using her powers to their fullest extent after years of being too terrified to made her weak. demons didn't stop coming her way and she sent one last meek golden wave that only killed three. she tried to punch and kick but a few sharp blows to the head made her fall to the floor. the last thing she remembered before her vision went completely dark was a pair of cold, metal handcuffs secured behind her back. 

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