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vi. crushes


"so you actually work for the fbi? full-time as an agent?" dean asked from the front seat of the car. "aren't you worried they'll find something on you?"

"i'm not the one at the very top of the fbi's most wanted list. besides, if they ever did find out something about me, i have an exit plan," rosalind answered, shuffling around in the back.

"do they question your not-so-human qualities? i mean, surely you've gotten hurt on a case before," sam brought up. 

rosalind remembered when she saved aaron from a bullet just a few days ago. "i haven't really done anything that would bring up any suspicion. i'm just extra careful on cases. though, i may have fucked up a few days ago." 

all eyes were on her now. "what do you mean?" dean asked.

"there was a bullet coming towards our unit chief and i sent it away from him. it hit me in the process, which i know he saw, but i healed right then obviously. if anyone is questioning anything about me, it's him." 

"why the hell would you do that?! you let every single demon, angel, and monster know you are alive!" dean was understandably upset. 

"you think i don't know that, asshole?! i know it's my fault that my coworkers could be dead. you don't have to remind me." 

"okay let's calm down!" sam shouted. "faults and mistakes can be talked about later. do you have any idea where your friends could be? how many are there?" 

rosalind thought for a moment. "jj, aaron, spencer, derek, penelope, emily, and dave. but there could be more. i don't know. there's hundreds of abandoned buildings in the area."

"okay, so do you know who took them?"

"demons? angels? everybody has something out against me whether they want to kill me or turn me into something evil." 

soon, the impala pulled to a park outside the quantico building and the four of them stepped out. rosalind went first and got inside the building. just as it had been earlier, it was eerily silent with nobody around. 

"where is everybody?" castiel asked. 

"i don't know," rosalind answered. they all held their angel blades close as they took the elevator up to the bau office. "so i came in here, called for everyone, and found a note saying i should come with them in exchange for my friends."

"did you look or see anything else?" sam asked.

"no, i just left immediately and called you." 

"okay, so maybe there's something else here that'll tell us where they are or who we're up against." 

the group began walking around and investigating the rest of the bullpen and rooms. rosalind ventured into aaron's office when she was hit with an overwhelming smell of rotten eggs. she went over to the window and found sulfur. "hey guys!" she called out. cas, sam, and dean came over and found the line of sulfur she was pointing to. "demons."

sam caught something out of the corner of his eye and moved towards it. in between some books on rosalind's desk was a white piece of paper. "guys, i found something!" the three that were inside aaron's office came out into the bullpen to see what sam had.

on the white piece of paper was half of an address. 

"that's aaron's handwriting," rosalind pointed out. "this might be where they are. he's smart so he probably overheard them speaking and wrote this down where i would find it." 

"who's aaron?" dean asked when he noticed rosalind tracing the letters with her fingers.

"he's the unit chief."

"and you have a crush on him."

"yes," rosalind said without thinking. "wait, no! no! i don't have a crush on my boss. absolutely not. i didn't say that." 

"ooo, rosie! you have a crush on your boss!" dean teased rosalind. her cheeks were a bright red and as much as she could deny it, it was fairly obvious that she did. 

the four of them searched around some more before leaving and getting back in the impala. rosalind typed the half of the address into her phone and got a few results back. the only likely one was an old, abandoned apartment building. rosalind told dean where to go and the car pulled out of the parking lot and onto the road. 

sam turned around in his seat to look at rosalind. "so what's he like?" 

the corners of her mouth tilted up in a subtle smile. "uh, i don't know. you really just have to meet him. he's a hardass sometimes and really serious about his work but i've seen a happier, softer side to him sometimes. he has a son, jack, and he cares about him so much. his wife died a few years ago and he works all the time but he's such a good father to him."

dean, sam, and cas watched as rosalind talked about aaron. sam and dean shared a look that read "our little rosie is falling in love with this man". 

"jj and emily keep telling me that he has a crush on me too but i don't know. they said, and i quote, he hasn't smiled this wide and laughed this hard since haley." 

"sounds like you should take him out later," dean said.

rosalind froze. she hadn't put any thought into what would happen when she found her friends and coworkers. she knew sam and dean wouldn't let her sacrifice herself to save them but it wasn't their decision to make. and what if was the only option? nobody knew just how many demons were in that building. if she were to give herself up, she had no idea what they'd do to her but she knew her friends would be safe.

and if they were able to take out the demons and ensure their safety? that was an even scarier possibility. there were so many what-ifs and rosalind didn't know what to do.

"hey! i think this is the building up ahead," dean called out, snapping rosalind from her reverie. 

there was a six story, decrepit building out in the middle of practically nowhere. castiel was the first to speak. "there's a heavy presence of demons here. this has to be the place." 

"okay, we get in, cas and i will take one side, rosalind and sam will take the other," dean stated.

"we should be as quiet as we can. send a prayer to me or cas if you're in trouble or if you find something, please." 

they all nodded and got out of the car and snuck towards the building. rosalind took a deep breath and prepared herself for the battle about to come.

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