~*Seventh Chapter*~

401 27 76

*Come Monday + Major Cussing Warning + Implied Gore*

Shoto and Katsuki were in the front office, telling the details to the receptionist about how their week was going to go.

They planned on taking it slow, despite Katsuki's very aggressive protests, and were going to do two group jobs.

Something that Aizawa-sensei didn't explain, was that each individual student could take on one job on their own per week, though it wasn't recommended.

They didn't plan on doing separate missions anytime soon, to say the least.

"Hey Deku! Is your group inside right now?" Uraraka greeted her friend, going up to stand next to him on the side where the smoke he released from his mouth wouldn't properly reach her.

Izuku took in an inhale from his lit cig, and let out the smoke through his nose so he wasn't talking with smoke coming out of his mouth.

"Hey Ura. Yeah they are, just decided to stay out here, plus it's a chance for me to sneak a smoke in."

"Oh lord, do your partners even know that you're smoking?!" she asked him, a slight worry for him coating her words.

Izuku shook his head and looked at Uraraka as if she had sprouted a second head.

"Are you kidding me? They would fucking murder me if they found out! They'd probably try to squash me like a bug, bring me back to life, and then scold me. And the only reason why they wouldn't squish me again is because Shoto would be there! They're very particular about their drugs, Ura," Izuku responded, his words gushing a thick sarcastic tone as he went in for another intake of nicotine-laced smoke.

Uraraka rolled her eyes at what Izuku said and put her hands on her hips as she spoke in a motherly way,

"They wouldn't give a shit, would they?"

"Of course they wouldn't, Ura. Nobody does." He chuckled at his own words as he dropped his cig on the ground and stepped on it, putting it out even though it wasn't even close to being finished.

"Yeah, well-"

"Alright Midoriya, we've got the jobs. One of them will be killing a mass murderer that is in debt to the school, I don't how he is, but he is. And then the second one will be to kill off an assassin that used to attend here, but has failed to do a job on time. He's not very good at assassination, so it shouldn't be too hard. But then again, when is anything ever easy in life?" Todoroki informed of his green-haired friend, said male shaking his head and grabbing the paper that the taller teen was reading off from.

"Never," he responded to the rhetorical question, scanning over everything just to make sure.

Katsuki snorted as he grabbed the paper from Izuku's hand just like he had with Shoto, and sped walked towards the dorms.

"So the in-debt killer's name is Keneth Nozunori apparently. What about the terrible assassin? I didn't get to read everything, Kacchan," Izuku said, sticking his tongue out at the ash blonde's retreating back.

"Yes, um...I do believe their name is Angel Ikiyara. They do not have a specific gender, according to our intel, and I have only partially memorized both their address and Nozunori's," Shoto answered, running a hand through his hair as he quickly trailed after Katsuki.

'Damn, okay,' Izuku thought, a little surprised that Shoto had memorized pieces of info about their two targets already. He ran a little bit and eventually caught up to Shoto, who was standing in the door frame of Katsuki's dorm by then, the ash blonde himself walking into his room leisurely.

Purple Midnight (TodoBakuDeku AU) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now