~*Twelfth Chapter*~

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*Major Cussing Warning*

Look, I realize that our relationship is a bit...wonky as of now, and all we can do is simply work with it and move to make it not wonky, right? Well, I was thinking...that it may be beneficial for all three of us to go on a small date, y'know, forget about everything else, and things might end up a little better than before? Or we could just hang out, the three of us, what do you guys think?" Shoto asked of his two partners, sitting cross-legged on Katsuki's carpeted dorm floor.

Izuku swiveled is Katsuki's office chair for a second, violently shoving back his feelings and thoughts about what happened with Iida the previous night so he could focus on the two boys before him.

The man that technically owners the room, was laying on his bed, one leg stretched out in front him, and the other hanging off of the bed haphazardly.

"You really want to do all that sappy couple shit to try and fix whatever the fuck is going on?" Katsuki honestly asked his dual-haired crush, not taking his eyes off the twitter page he was scrolling through.

Izuku huffed loudly and crossed his arms, already tired of Katsuki even though it was 9 in the morning.

"Yes, we are going to do that 'sappy couple shit.' Do you have a problem with that, or not Kacchan?Todoroki-kun probably already thought out everything only for you to stomp all over it, so shut up and accept it, okay?" Midoriya scolded, throwing an appreciative look in Shoto's direction.

Katsuki simply scoffed and said nothing, which was enough of a confirmation for the other two that he would go along with whatever, inciting relieved sighs from the both of them.

"So uh, Todoroki-kun-"

"Call me Shoto, please. We are...um, starting today, officially, boyfriends now, correct? Right? Or is that going too fast?" Shoto todo Izuku, suddenly growing a bit nervous at his possible brashness. Izuku shook his head as a reassurance, getting out of his chair and sitting down next to Shoto he did so.

"No, it's fine Shoto! We're...well, we can be whatever we want to be! Right, Kacchan?" Izuku kept reassuring his dual-haired...boyfriend...asking Katsuki for affirmation, of which he gave. Shoto sighed from relief once again, nodding and giving Izuku a small smile of appreciation.

"Well, I do believe you two wish to know what I was thinking? I thought we should start out small, so I planned to reserve this restaurant my dad owns. It's an all-around place, so they serve basically whatever. Sound good?" Shoto explained, pulling his phone out and clicking back into the website he had previously been on.

Two humms in agreement were enough to finish said reservation, calling in and looking at the menu, just like anybody else that was in a relationship like them.

While Shoto and Katsuki were talking about what they would wear out, Izuku simply thought about how he would go about keeping to himself when the two idiots next to him could easily make him laugh without even doing it on purpose.

Izuku shook his head and chuckled to himself, slowly but surely giving up on trying to fix his crumbling defenses against those who tried to invade his heart and soul.

He wondered why though.

"So, um Izuku, whatcha think? Would you do me and Katsuki the honor of going to dinner with us?" Shoto asked, his small smile that never left his face glowing a bit brighter. Izuku looked up at Shoto, and then at Katsuki, suppressing the urge to laugh as the ash blonde tried to hide his eagerness for Izuku's answer, and nodded.

"Of course I'd do you the honor. After all, it would be my pleasure," he responded, bowing slightly and letting his lips pull up into a smug smirk. Shoto lightly laughed and did the same, earning a gag and several complaints from Katsuki.

As Shoto and Katsuki started to get into an argument about what would be classified as 'corny,' Izuku watched them, taking all of what was happening in. The more he observed the handsome boys sitting in front of him, the more his heart swelled, and the more his insecurities were drowned out by the elatedness of his soul. Yes, his soul could make sounds.

'What did I do to deserve you idiots?' he asked himself, his face aching as he had been smiling for a while. He closed his eyes and brought his hands up to his chest; scrunching up the material he felt under them as he immersed himself deep in his thoughts and feelings.

Though all he felt in the moment was happiness.

'Why the fuck am I so happy? Oh that's right, I have two amazing boyfriends now. I think. Yeah. Definitely.' At that point, his vulnerabilities were so so close to pouring out of him all at once; the only thing holding them back anymore being his tightly clasped lips.

"Hey Izuku, you okay? We don't have to do this if you don't want to, I under-"

"No! No, stop I...I want this!" he exclaimed concernedly, instantly regretting opening his mouth as he had completely abolished the majority of his walls by doing so. Tears welled up on the bottom and corners of his eyes, simultaneously gaining the attention of both boys, and worrying them.

Izuku turned his head away, instinctively not wanting anybody to see his tears, but then he remembered that the people that would see would be Katsuki and Shoto, and therefore he shouldn't be ashamed to show the salty droplets cascade down his face..right? They wouldn't shun him for showing one of his weaknesses...right?!

'Damnit!' he cursed in his head, bringing up his right arm and covering his face with it. Katsuki got off of his bed in no time and Shoto scooted closer to Izuku, both boys hesitant to alarm the green-haired boy, but also feeling as though they should help in some way.

"Hey hey hey, it's okay, Izuku. You're going to be fine, just tell us what's wrong," Shoto assures the sniveling boy in front of him, holding his hands out and gently removing Izuku's arm from on top of his face. Izuku struggled a little bit at first, but have in in the end and let his arm be taken down, still second-guessing showing his face to the both of them although.

"Oi, Izuku, look at us. We're not gonna judge you or anything, so quit your 'wallowing' and tell what's up," Katsuki quoted, smirking slightly when he heard Izuku let out a watery laugh at his reference.

Steeling himself, Izuku turned his head in their direction, red eyes, tear-stained cheeks and all, his confidence building up for him in case anything happened.

Which of course, nothing did happen. Except Shoto going for a comforting hug, and Katsuki, reluctantly, offering the same. Izuku squeezed out another laugh, neither so far being forced or fake, at Katsuki's antics, and grabbed the both of them; pulling them in.

"Nothing's really wrong persay," he whispered, both of the teens he was hugging stiffened at his voice.

"I just...I'm amazed that you two doors managed to break my barriers apart." Loud retorts and remarks about what he said adamantly poured out of Shoto and Katsuki's mouthes, inciting another laugh from Izuku.

They eventually broke apart, all of them deciding to go to Izuku's dorm to look at what he could dress up for, and then going to Shoto's to do the same. As Shoto and Katsuki rummaged through his attire in his closet and screamed at each other every once in awhile about random stuff, Izuku sat and watched, like he always did.

'Seriously...how in the hell did you two do it?'


*clears throat* Alright, now that that's out of the way, I would just like to say that I am very happy and very thankful for everything that's happened these past couple weeks, and this book. I love you all, there is only ONE chapter left, btw, and I hope you all will keep coming back to me for more content ;)

Anyways, das it for the time being, and,
To have a good day you shall! 🤍❤️🧡💚

1416 words

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