~*Ninth Chapter*~

349 22 48

*Major Cussing Warning + Implied Death*

*Hot damn, if I've ever seen a nice ass condo like this one," Katsuki remarked, staring wide-eyed at the fancy building before him.

Izuku hit him on the shoulder and whispered loudly in his ear,

"Really, Kacchan?! We're on a mission! Be quiet!"

Shoto stifled a small chuckle that was close from escaping past his lips, not wanting to upset his ashy-haired partner. Katsuki shook his head and started towards the barely lit condo, before stopping as a realization hit him square in the face.

"Hold on, why has our missions so far only been at night?" he questioned, confusion clear on his face. Izuku and Shoto had started walking behind him and had halted with confusion littering their features as well, only for it all to be put to a stop by Izuku.

"Well, I mean, it's easier to kill people when they're either asleep or close to falling asleep. Or if not even that, then at least we have less of a chance of anybody hearing or seeing anything, soooo..." He looked at the both of them with a knowing look on his face before nodding his head and continuing his venture to their targets' front door.

Once they had made their way up the steps, and were finally standing in front of the main entranced of the esteem building, Shoto and Katsuki had Izuku pick the lock like last time, his successfully getting all of them in.

"Y'know, I like infiltrating people's houses. It's fucking embarrassing for them, and amusing for me," Katsuki quietly boasted, earning two hrs glares and a light scolding from Izuku.

"Seriously, why is it you that's suddenly the chatterbox, Kacchan?!" Izuku asked of more himself than the teen in question, sighing and pulling his two partners into a nearby room so as to not be spotted or heard.

"We split up?" Shoto suggested, looking dead serious and being very oblivious to the obvious signs Izuku easily picked up on about his suggestion.

"Have you not watched any horror movie to ever be released in theaters? The group splits up, the people in said group get picked off one by one and until there's only one standing, and it's usually the dumb, white, cis gendered person that miraculously survived. And may I remind you that none of us are dumb, straight people," Izuku corrected, his face looking completely dumbfounded.

He shook his head and peered around the cracked open bedroom door, making sure there was nobody in sight before leaving the room and tip-toeing his way through the home. Shoto and Katsuki followed closely behind and followed his example, observing, watching, listening.

About a minute later, the trio found the living room, a kitchen nowhere in sight; but a dining room clearly attached to the huge space off to the right.

Izuku motioned that Shoto should go through the dining room to access the living room, just in case, and him and Katsuki quietly went the long way around; deciding to silently crawl over to the couch that had its back faced to them once they had made it. A head of hair popping up from the middle cushion, and Shoto was clearly in their sight, but not in whoever was in the couch's sight. Izuku and Katsuki grabbed their guns and nodded to each other, then the just as ready dual-haired teen.

"Get off from the couch and lit your hands where we can see them!" they all commanded in harmony, pointing their guns at the half-asleep human sitting on their leather furniture.

The person held their hands up as their eyes grew as wide as saucers, quickly obeying the orders they were given by scrambling onto the floor and and sitting on their knees.

Shoto I pointed his gun, and silently egged Katsuki to do the same, Katsuki not complying for a hot minute as Izuku and the soon-to-be-victim stared at each other.

Purple Midnight (TodoBakuDeku AU) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now