Part 8

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(Later that night)

Jackson and Payton were sitting in the living room playing the xbox.

"Did you really bring the Xbox down here?" I questioned and they both looked at me.

"Maybe," Jackson said with a smile.

"How'd your nails come out?" Payton asked.

"Why do you care?" Jackson questioned as I went behind them. I showed Payton my nails and he smiled.

"They're look nice," He said and Jackson looked at him questionably.

"Dude the game," Jackson complained

"Alright," Payton said and went back to playing the game with Jackson.

"I'll be upstairs," I said before walking away. When I got into my room there was a gift bag on my desk. I read the card attached to it and smiled.

"I think it's name was Chimmy -Payton" The card read and I opened the bag

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"I think it's name was Chimmy -Payton" The card read and I opened the bag. Inside was a small stuffed yellow dog thing

I smiled and shook my head. How did he even know?

"Do you like it?" Payton questioned from the door.

"I already have this one but thank you," I said and he came over to me.

"Jackson and I walked by that store in the mall and I saw it in the window, Jack left to go to the bathroom so I bought it for you," Payton said and I smiled.

"You're extremely cute," I said and he leaned in to kiss me. I kissed back and he smiled into the kiss.

"I think that's the first time you haven't hesitated to kiss me," Payton said and I put my head on his chest.

"Shut up," I said, embarrassed and he chuckled.

"I better get back before Jackson kicks my ass for taking to long in the "bathroom"," Payton said and kissed my temple before leaving. I fell onto my bed and held Chimmy to my chest. Payton is just the sweetest. I smiled down at Chimmy as Jackson walked in my room.

"What are you so happy about?" Jackson asked and sat on my bed.

"Chimmy," I said and showed him the stuffed animal.

"Cute, where'd you get it from?" He questioned.

"Mom ordered it for me," I said and he looked at it again.

"But you already have this one, I got the first one for you when I was in LA," Jackson said and I nodded.

"I know but now it has a twin," I said and Payton knocked on the door.

"Hey, are we gonna finish this round before dinner?" Payton asked and Jackson looked at him.

"Yeah, I'll be right down," Jackson said and Payton walked away.

"I wanted to talk to you about something," Jackson said and I sat up and held Chimmy in my lap.

"Do you have feeling for Payton?" Jackson asked.

"Why?" I questioned.

"Because you've been acting different since he's been here and you actually talk to him, you never talk to my other friends," Jackson said and he was right. I don't really talk to his other friends.

"Does Payton know you like him?" Jackson asked.

"How do you know I like him?" I questioned.

"Because I know you and I see the way you look at him, it's the way you used to look at Sophie but you have this twinkle in your eye," Jackson said and I sighed.

"I do like Payton but I just don't know how to go about it, I've never had feelings for anyone like this before," I admitted and Jackson smiled.

"Does he make you happy?" Jackson asked and I nodded slowly.

"He does and I was scared of how you'd react," I said and Jackson chuckled.

"I know because he's my best friend and You're my sister but I was kinda hoping you'd two would get along," He said and I smiled.

"Plus I saw you two on the ferris wheel," Jackson said and my cheeks heated up. He saw me kiss his best friend! Jackson chuckled again and I hid my face in Chimmy.

"You saw that?!" I said, really embarrassed.

"Yeah I did," He said with a laugh and I hit his arm with Chimmy.

"Stop laughing," I said and he laughed again. I raised Chimmy to hit him again and Jackson held his hands up.

"Ok I'll stop, don't hit me again," Jackson said.

"If you're happy, I'm happy goof," Jackson said and I hugged him. Jackson hugged back and my mom called us for dinner. We went downstairs and Jackson sat next to Payton. I sat across from them and Jackson whispered something to Payton. Payton smiled at me and Jackson smiled too. My mom asked me to help with the plates and when I handed Payton his he grabbed my arm before I walk back to my seat. I looked at him and Jackson looked at us with a smile.

"What?" I questioned and he smiled.

"Nothing, I just wanted to see the stars," Payton said, making me blush really hard. I pulled my arm away from his hand and went back to my seat as Jackson laughed.

"Dude she's blushing," Jackson said with a laugh and I just ate my food. My mom looked at me with a smile as Greyson and Austin came up from the basement.

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