Part 19

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After my noncult meeting I sat in my room and drew in my sketch book for awhile. I ended up drawing Payton's side profile, not realizing to I looked at it fully. I smiled and there was a knock on my door. I looked over and Payton was standing in the doorway.

"Whatcha drawing?" Payton asked, plopping down next to me.

"That's amazing," He said and I look at him.

"Thanks, so what's up?" I asked and he smiled.

"We're going out for dinner tonight and I came to tell you to get ready," Payton said and intertwined our hands.

"Cool is there anything else?" I questioned and he smiled cutely.

"Nope," He said and kissed me quickly. I smiled and he got up from my bed.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"I told you, we're going out so get ready," Payton said and left, closing my door. After changing into something decent leggings and a shirt I probably stole from Jackson. After getting ready I went downstairs and onto the front porch and made eye contact with someone.

"Y/N?" He questioned.

"Andrew?" I questioned and he came up the steps.

"It's been awhile... How come you don't come around anymore?" Andrew questioned. Andrew is Sophie's older brother and she used to tease him about having a crush on me.

"I've been busy," I said which was kinda true.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I wanted to see you, I know it's been awhile and I just felt like you should know that I'm sorry about what happened," He said. Right the hell you put me through, first you took your anger out on me when she died. Also breaking my fucking heart for that bitch Jenna last year.

"Where you going out somewhere?" He asked.

"Yeah, I was waiting for everything one else," I said and he stepped closer to me. I put my hands out to stop him from getting to close.

"Andrew," He cut me off.

"What happened to calling me Andy?" He questioned and my heart ached, hearing him say the nickname I used to call him.

"Andrew I have a boyfriend," I said and he sighed.

"Jared told me you were at Kyle's party with him," Andrew said and he stepped back.

"I have to get going, but I still have the same number, so call me. I miss you Y/N," Andrew said and I nodded.

"Maybe," I said and he walked away from the house. I took a deep breath and the front door opened.

"Was that Andrew?" Jackson asked.

"Yes," I sighed and Payton came out behind Jackson.

"Who's Andrew?" Payton questioned.

"Sophie's older brother, Him and Y/N kinda had a thing about a year ago," Jackson said and I realized that I never actually told Payton about that.

"Jax!" I shouted and hit his arm.

"You never told me about Him?" Payton said, questionably.

"I didn't think he was important to bring up," I said and Jackson looked at me questionably.

"Really? But you and Andrew," I hit him again.

"Isn't important, can we just go to dinner now," I interrupted Jackson.

"Mom isn't ready yet," Austin said, coming out the house with Greyson.

"Also did I hear something about Andrew?" Austin asked.

"Can we stop talk about Andrew, he isn't important to me anymore, he chose Jenna. End of story," I shouted and Payton gave me a sad look. When my mom finally came out we split into Her's and Jackson's car. I sat in the back of Jackson's car while Payton and him sat in the front.

"So why did Andrew come to the house?" Jackson asked.

"Didn't I say we're done talking about him," I said and Jackson nodded. Payton had his head on the window and was really quiet. He was like that the rest of the night till we got home. I went up to my room and Payton followed me.

"Why didn't you tell me about Andrew?" Payton questioned.

"Because he isn't important," I said, sitting on my bed.

"Well clearly he was, what happened between you two?" Payton asked.

"Nothing, we got closer last year and I guess we had a thing but we never put a label on us. Then I found him and Jenna together so that really hurt me," I said and sighed.

"So he basically cheated on you with that girl who was flirting with me at the party?" Payton said and I nodded.

"I guess but like we never really did anything, we were like best friends with slight feeling for each other," I said and Payton sat next to me.

"He seems like an asshole," Payton said and I giggled.

"He was," I said and he smiled.

"Then what made you get close to him?" Payton asked.

"We were both grieving and just went to each other I guess," I said and Payton wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"You're not gonna talk to him again right?" Payton asked and I nodded.

"Of course not, Andrew is my past and you are my present and possible future," I said and he looked at me with a smile. Payton kissed my quickly and We cuddled up under my blanket till Jackson came in my room.

"Hey! I want cuddles," Jackson complained and I giggled. Payton put his arm out and Jackson came over and cuddled up with us and I was squished between two idiots for thirty minutes till I kicked them both out to go to sleep.

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