Part 15

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July 26th:

I was out with Jackson and Payton at the mall. Jackson convinced Payton to go get us boba while I had time to look around for a birthday gift for him.

"Y/N I don't understand why your virginity can't be his gift," Jackson said for like the thousandth time and getting us more looks from people around us.

"Jackson stop saying that and Gross," I said and he chuckled.

"C'mon he already gave you a hickey and I literally walked in on you guys making out so just do it already," Jackson said and I rolled my eyes.

"No," I said and saw Payton walk I to the store.

"Hey," I said as he passed me my drink. I smiled and he passed Jackson his.

"Thanks Dude," Jackson said and I looked at them. I couldn't stop thinking about what Jackson said and honestly it wasn't that bad of an Idea. Payton looked at me questionably and I smiled.

"I'm gonna go to the store with the BTS stuff, do you want to come with?" I asked and they shook their heads.

"We'll be in the arcade," Jackson said and dragged Payton away. I went to Victoria's Secret and looked around for something to impress Payton with on his birthday night. I found a light pink Lace set and bought it. The lady at the counter looked at me questionably as I payed.

"Special occasion?" She questioned.

"My boyfriend's birthday," I said awkwardly and and she handed me my receipt.

"Have a good day," she said and I took my bag and quickly left the store, extremely embarrassed. I quickly ran over to the store that sold the BTS stuff and bought a new keychain and RJ plushie

I hid the Victoria's Secret bag in the bag with the BTS stuff and went down to the arcade to find the guys

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I hid the Victoria's Secret bag in the bag with the BTS stuff and went down to the arcade to find the guys. The we're by the entrance when I got downstairs.

"Hey," I said and put my elbows on their shoulders

"Hey, you ready to go?" Payton asked and I nodded.

"Yeah I'm getting pretty hungry and Mom said she was cooking tonight," I said and took my arms off of theirs. Payton intertwined our hands as we walked out of the mall.

"What'd you get from Victoria's Secret?" Payton whispered in my ear and I looked at him.

"Nothing," I whisper and Jackson looked back at us questionably.

"What are you two whispering about?" Jackson asked and I pulled the RJ plushie out my bed.

"Payton wanted to see RJ," I said and passed RJ to Payton. Payton smirked at me and we made it to Jackson's car I sat in the front with Jackson and held my bag in my lap.

"Payton can I have RJ back?" I asked and Payton passed me RJ from the back seat. I held RJ over the bag as we drove home. Once we got home I ran up to my room and hid the bag in my closet.

"When do I get to see what you bought?" Payton asked from my doorway.

"Never it's not for you," I said and he came over to me.

"We have a couple minutes till Dinner," Payton said, wrapping his arms around my waist. I rolled my eyes, playfully and he smirked. I leaned my forehead on his and he pecked my lips.

"Payton, Jackson, Y/N Dinner!" My mom shouted from downstairs.

"Let's go," I said, getting out of his grip and taking his hand. We went downstairs and I sat by Jackson. He looked at me questionably then looked at Payton.

"Everything ok?" Jackson asked as Payton sat next to me.

"Yeah," I said and My mom put our plates on the table.

"Thanks mom," I said and she smiled. She walked out the kitchen with two other plates for Grey and Austin. We messed around for a little bit while eating dinner. After dinner I went up to my room and changed into some comfy clothes. Once I put my shirt on I felt Payton's arms wrap around my waist.

"Hi," Payton said and put his head on my shoulder.

"Hi," I said with a smile.

"You tired already?" Payton asked and I nodded. Payton kissed my cheek and  lifted me up by my waist.

"Payton!" I squealed and he put me down on my bed. I crossed my arms as he sat in front of me.

"Are you mad at me?" Payton asked.

"No," I said and he smirked.

"Good," He said before kissing me quickly. I kissed back and cuddled up with him. Payton smiled and kissed my head.

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