Part 21

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After Dinner:

I was sitting in my room, avoiding Jackson and Payton. I didn't know what to say to either one of them. I was scrolling down Instagram when there was a knock on my door.

"It's open," I said and Payton walked in with a bag from seven eleven.

"I got you some ice cream," Payton said with a smile and came over to me. I smiled as he sat next to me.

"Where's Jackson?" I asked.

"In his room pouting," Payton said and I giggled.

"Good to know," I said with a laugh and he laughed too. Payton looked at my face and sighed.

"At least you don't have a mark," Payton said and I nodded and he finally passed me the bag. I took a thing of Ice cream and a spoon before giving Payton the bag back. He chose a movie to watch while I ate my ice cream. Payton stayed with me and I was happy that he wasn't mad at me. Halfway through the movie I just looked at Payton and admired him.

"Yes?" He questioned.

"Nothing, You're just handsome," I said and he chuckled.

"You're cute," He said and kissed my cheek quickly. I smiled and leaned over to kiss him. He kissed back and held me closer. I deepened the kiss and he smiled into the kiss.

"Let's not piss off Jackson even more," Payton said, breaking the kiss and I nodded. I put my head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around mine.

"Y/N do you," he stuttered.

"Do I what?" I questioned.

"Want to go up to the room," He said quickly and I nodded.

"Sure," I said and we got up from my bed. We climbed out my window and up to the flat part of the roof. Payton laid back and I cuddled up with him. He softly chuckled and pulled me on top of him. I put my head on his chest and her kissed my head.

"Y/N how do you feel about me?" Payton asked.

"I like you a lot," I said and looked up at him.

"Just like?" He questioned and my heart was racing.

"Maybe more than that," I said and he pecked my lips.

"Like Love?" He asked and I nodded slowly.

"Really?" He questioned, really excited.

"Yes, Payton I love you," I said and he smiled.

"I love you too Y/N," Payton said and the butterflies in my stomach danced around more. Payton kissed me quickly and I laid my head back down on his chest.

"Damn, I don't know how I'm gonna leave you at the end of the summer," He said and that's when the moment ended for me. I completely forgot he's only here for the summer. We stayed on the roof for a couple more minutes before climbing down and back into my room. I closed the window as Payton fell onto my bed.

"Can I stay with you tonight?" Payton asked.

"Sure," I said and closed my door. Payton smiled and I sat next to him. I laid down and he pulled me closer.

"Goodnight," He said and I nodded. I didn't want Payton to leave at the end of the summer. I know we'll still FaceTime and stuff but I just don't want him to go.

A/N: I seriously don't know how to feel about this part. Idk if I like it or not

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