Part 12

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I was getting ready for the party and had just put on a my shorts and an old rock t-shirt that had holes and rips all over it. I had just put on my shirt over the bright pink sports bra I was wearing.

"Hey," Payton said from behind me, making me jump.

"Jesus Payton, how long have you been standing there," I said and he chuckled.

"Not long but may I say you look gorgeous," Payton said and kissed my cheek

"Thank you," I said and he smiled.

"Where's Jackson?" I asked.

"Taking a shower so I say we have about fifteen minutes till he gets out," He said and held onto my waist. I smiled and stood on my tiptoes to kiss him. He kissed back and his hands traveled down to my thighs making me jump forward and accidentally bite his lip. Payton pulled away with a smirk on his face and held his fingers up to his lip.

"I'm so sorry," I said quickly and he chuckled.

"It's fine, that was kinda hot, not gonna lie," Payton said and I felt so embarrassed. My cheeked heated up as I went over to my bed and hid my face in the pillows. Payton laughed and came over to me. He sat next to me and I put my head on his lap.

"Guys?!" Jackson yelled from the bathroom.

"What?!" I yelled back.

"Nevermind!" He yelled and Payton shook his head.

"You know he's only doing that to make sure we're not doing anything," Payton said and I nodded.

"I know," I said and sat up. Payton leaned over and kissed me quickly then looked into my eyes. Jeez he looks good. I smiled before kissing him. He kissed back and held my waist. I moved onto his lap and he smirked into the kiss. His hands were holding my waist in place as I tangled my fingers through his hair. His hands moved down to my thighs and gave them a squeeze. I moaned softly and pulled away quickly and covered my mouth. Payton Laughed and I hit his chest.

"It's not funny," I said really embarrassed and put my head on his chest. Payton couldn't stop laughing and I got up.

"Stop laughing," I pouted and he looked at me with a goofy smile.

"I'm sorry but it's good to know you want me that way," he joked and I grabbed the closest soft thing near me and threw it at him.

"Ow," he complained.

"Just don't tell Jackson," I said and if on cue.

"Don't tell Jackson what?" Jackson said from the doorway, drying his hair with a towel.

"Nothing," I blurted out.

"We were making out and she moaned," Payton said and I threw another plushie at him.

"A: Didn't need to know that and B: If we weren't talking about my sister, that's my boi," Jackson said and high fived Payton. I rolled my eyes and hit both of them over the head with a plushie.

"When are we leaving?" I asked and Jackson kept looking at Payton.

"Did you bite his lip?" Jackson asked and I got really embarrassed.

"It was on accident," I said and Jackson chuckled.

"Damn sis you left a bruise," Jackson said and I shook my head in embarrassment.

"Just stop talking about it and answered my question," I shouted.

"We're leaving in twenty minutes," Jackson said.

"Thank you, now leave," I said and pushed Jackson out.

"Don't do anything stupid," Jackson said and I closed the door.

"Why'd you kick him out?" Payton asked as I went over to him.

"Because y'all are annoying together and I'm still not comfortable kissing you in front of him," I said before Payton pulled me closer.

"So are we just gonna pick up where we left off or?" Payton questioned and I climbed onto his lap.

"What do you think?" I questioned and he smashed his lips onto mine. I kissed back while guiding his hands to my lower back. He smiled into the heated kiss More like make out but still Damn he's a good kisser. I tangled my fingers in his hair and he smirked again. His hands creeped up my shirt and I pulled away.

"Nope," I said and took his hands out of my shirt and held them.

"Not yet," I said and he smiled.

"We should finish getting ready," Payton said and I nodded and got off his lap. I went over to my closet and grabbed a pair of vans to wear. Payton left my room and I followed him downstairs where Jackson was waiting for us.

"Finally y'all are done fucking," Jackson joked and I glared at him.

"We haven't done that Jax," I said and Payton nodded.

"I'm not rushing her," Payton said and Jackson Cringed.

"Let's go before I decide to stay home," Jackson said and we left to the party. I'm so freaking nervous

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