Chapter 1

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Wouldn't you know it. After years of waiting. Waiting for something... anything to take me away from reality because I knew I didn't belong there. Of course... the day it Actually happens I am late. The wheels of my heavily packed suitcase bashed against each stair as I pulled it down the long set of stairs from my bedroom down to the living room, where a taxi would roll up to my house and whisk me away from this place. My mum's eyes were welling up with tears as I began to leave. I promised I wouldn't cry. This is what I wanted. I was not going to let sentiment overwhelm me. I reached over to give my mum a hug. She held me tight in her shaky arms. She thought I was going to a boarding school. I didn't want to tell her where I was actually going, I knew she would've never let me go is she had known exactly where I was going... that's also why I was getting dropped off in a cab, and not my mums car. 

I sat in the plush back seat of the cab, turning my head to see my house for potentially the last time, my parents stood in the window waving me goodbye, I could tell my mum was still having a hard time. I waved back before the cab began to drive away. I decided to close my eyes for a bit, I had a feeling it was going to be a long drive.

"Ma'am, we've arrived" The cab driver turned his head to tell me it was time. I thanked the cab driver and paid him before I stepped out of the little yellow car. I stepped out into the sunlight and saw that the ground was made of old, weathered cobble stone. Moss was crawling out of the tiny cracks, making it seem even older and wilder. As I walked down the old path my suitcase thudded against the uneven rocks. I looked up to see students of many different shapes and sizes all bustling around to wherever they needed to go. I moved past the horde of kids, trying to get to the front of the school, the building was huge and made of stone, with lavender coloured accents. Standing tall, was a girl with blonde hair and twinkling blue eyes. 

"Are you new here? You look seriously confused" The girl cocked her head at me.

"yes actually, do you know where I'm supposed to go?" I answered fiddling with my suitcase, one of the zippers looked like it was about to burst at any second, and I'm not sure if I could think of anything more embarrassing if all my clothes spilt out in front of everyone. 

"Well, on the letter that you got confirming your application to the school you should see your dorm number, you should head there first and get your stuff settled, also you share a dorm with someone, so they can help you from there. I'm Daniella by the way" The girl spoke fast, explaining everything so briefly. However, it did help me get a start, so I reached down into my pocket and pulled out the piece of wrinkled parchment that was supposed to tell me my dorm number. Number 5, 4th floor, it read. I stuffed the note back into my pocket and set off to find my dorm

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