1# the growth of my account

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today I'm talking about my hatred for clocks and the growth of my account!

tbh clocks are annoying af

like theY freaking tik tik tik tik tik tik tik and that shit gets annoying they also make my anxious and impatient
the only point of clocks is so when can track time

(yeah no shit dumbass)

the world would be better if we didn't have time
like it's one less thing to learn
makes us patient (kinda not really)
it would be one less thing to be anxious about

they also remind me of how sleep deprived I am and how bad my insomnia is

wait brb imma go get an ice pop

*french narrator voice*
    one minute later

okay I'm back-

they're basically just count downs til the sun explodes

chapter II: the growth of my account

my account has had a shit ton of growth it's crazy so my very first user was lushymoon then I think I changed it to _jakes.vape_ and then I changed it to the iconic -Trisha-Paytas- and now it's g0od-lad

the -Trisha-Paytas- era was the success point of my account my book best friend had reached 1k reads and I start gaining followers and I got more notifications I didn't really care what people thought of my writing and everything was going up from there

but then Harry styles walked through the door with is dimples and Gucci suits and said "hey bitch!" and now we're here

I had heard Harry's song adore you and then added it to my liked songs then I started listening too more of his music and then one direction strutted in my room like a badass

and then Larry stylinson said "move over bitch" and slapped me

larry is what made me lose my sanity

I finally decided that it was time to end this chapter of my life and move on to the next so I did

I changed my username my background my pfp and my bio

and me being the fetus directioner I was didn't know what was coming but boy if I did- maybe shit would be a little bit better

I remember vividly 'dear Harry' was the first 1D fic I read well no I didn't read it I read the first chapter and half of the second one then gave up and realized larry was the way to go

sooo I haven't read a straight fic since and that was-

3 months ago

I use to read straight Colby Brock fics all the time it's actually sad

I remember I would be so excited to go home after school cause I would be home alone and I could read fics in peace

it makes me sad thinking about how innocent I was before wattpad my life would be a okay if I didn't have wattpad...

OO I have yet to taking about my writing

my writing has improved but I'm not as confident as I use to be posting stories I've read so many stories and I've seen brilliam writing like Shakespeare level writing and so I always feel noobie for posting my writing but I guess I just have that mindset where I'm constantly comparing myself to others

but I've always had a joy for writing
cause I can just put myself in a different story and the story can go however I want it to go it's just my little way of escaping reality

not that my life is shitty or anything it's just I don't really know what's gonna happen next and that id rather choose what happens next in my life

and I can just change things when I want to

I'm getting off topic-

but I think I'll wrap this up
Thank you for coming to Night Talks with g0od-lad!

topic requests ------>

stay happy healthy and larries muah peace

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