sorry I didn't do this yesterday I was spending time with my sister
tonight s topic is why one direction's contract might end in december
this was requested by lovely lia
-two words
gay club
that's all the proof I need to know that one direction's contract will end in december
you're confused
I can smell it
so here's some hints (im about to trigger you guys)
gay club
salmon cockballs
did you get it??
if you didn't
one direction performed at a gay club in like 2010-11
and louis was ultra mega happy
they were covered in cake
but then the next day
salmon cockinballs
made the contract without Larry
larry wasn't a fucking loud
and soo they were a good couple months into one direction
modshit wanted them to get use to it
so that's why they
wait til December to bring the contract in
and we all know Larry was loud as shit in the x factor house
A COUPLE DAys ago I'm pretty sure I had a heat stroke
cause it was so hot that day it was probably like 100 degrees f°
in my house
no I am not exaggerating
I live in the desert for fucks sake
uh but I did pass out that day cause I woke up on the floor
but idk
have a nice life avacuties
-topic requests ------------------>
stay happy healthy and larries muah muah muah 😍✨❤
night talks with -bambinotfound
Random-bambinotfound talks at night a book you didn't ask for but shall have New Night Talks with -bambinotfound Every night at 12!I -