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A breeze flows through your dark hair, you dart through the groups of people as you hear the bell toll a second time.

"Shit, I really can't miss this meeting!" You apologize to the few poor souls who get almost knocked down by your shoulders, a few cursing under their breath. As you run you scan the campus around you, the tall freshly painted buildings, the flowers overgrown with spots for people to sit with them, the gravel paths that complement the fountains in the middle of it all. It was beautiful, just like you'd imagined. The university of Takodanna was something out of storybooks for you. You snap out of your daydream and crash into a person of a seemingly big stature under your short body, grunting as you both fall onto the gravel pathway.

"ow." A shiver runs down your body as you hear a deep breathy voice fill your ears. You lean up slightly and rub your forehead through the pain. "Ah, I'm so sorry I wasn't looking where I was-" a breath leaves your lungs as a pair of bright hazel eyes meets yours, his thick black hair ruffled out of place due to the fall. You watch for a split second his face softens and then hardens again and he pushes you off of him. Your body thuds to the ground and you see your chest jiggle as you hit it.

You hear a couple of girls giggle as he dusts himself off. "Watch where you're going, the next time you run into me or anyone else I won't be so nice." Enough though he snaps at you he reaches out his hand in your face to help you up, he looks away as he does so an irritated look on his smooth face. His hand is so big it's the size of your face. You slip what seems small but is actually average size hand into his, he grips you tightly and yanks you up with such force you stumble. "Th-thank you." he scoffs and begins to walk away, but before you can process what you're saying it comes out.

"I-I'm Aspen. Aspen Mira. What's your name?" You ask with a small hopefully unnoticeable blush on your face. He turns his head slightly just enough you can see his eyebrows furrow.

"My name? I am not a student, so speak to me with respect but you must be new since you do not know me. You can call me Professor Ren or Sir." He rolls his eyes in annoyance and stalks away. You cock your head to the side wondering why he was so rude but your phone pings letting you know you're late for your orientation. You huff and begin running again, but this time with a little more caution. Professor Ren did kind of scare you, not a lot but just a little.


"Hello there! Welcome to UTD everyone, My name is Obi-Wan Kenobi but all of you can call me Headmaster Kenobi. It is a pleasure to see the vast variety of students here, and we welcome all of you lovingly. In this seminar, we will be going over our basic expectations at UTD as well as introductions to some of the professors here. If you haven't attended your intro introduction to UTD then you are indeed in the wrong seminar, please exit quietly if this is you." You watch and follow with your eyes as a few people get up and exit, while a few other students go up to the headmaster and explain something and then take a seat back down or leave completely.

You gaze at the teachers, some of them look quite nice with smiles on their faces. You keep scanning and look upon a teacher with bright red hair and an unhappy face on. You think to yourself, some of the teachers just don't look as friendly. A loud clap brings the attention back to the headmaster Kenobi. "Alrighty then! Now that's settled let begin to introduce out lovely professors."

Headmaster Kenobi gestures to a man with bright blue eyes. "Hello everyone my name is luke but you will address me as Dr. Skywalker."

Then a man with a leather vest and some weird belt on. "Hey. I'm Han Solo you can call me Professor Han or Dr. Solo whichever floats your boat."

Next the man with bright red hair. "Hello. You can call me Professor Hux. That is all." Jeez, that was stiff, you think.

A woman is next, she's very beautiful for her age and her smile seems kind. "Hello everybody, my name is Leia Organa, you can call me Miss Leia or professor Organa."

Some of the other teachers get introduced until someone opens the doorway to the seminar hall with a loud bang behind them. You watch as the tall man from earlier brushes his hair back with his hand.

"Professor Ren."

You feel a nudge from a girl next to you. "You know him?" She looks as you curiously, her pale blue eyes piercing into you in confusion. "Oh-oh no I just accidentally tackled him while trying not to be late to this." You both laugh a little after you take in what you said. The girl with light brown hair reaches out her hand. "I'm Clove. You're funny, we're friends now." You giggle a little. "I guess so huh, I'm Aspen." You both smile at each other.

"Am I interrupting something?" A loud deep voice booms over you and clove. Oh no. Clove opens her mouth before you get the chance. "Actually yes, I was making a new friend here." She smirks at Professor Ren, he gives no reaction but as soon as he opens his mouth another voice comes in.

"That's wonderful, we love to encourage building new bonds here at UTD. Clove Anderson is it?"

"Yep, that's me!" Clove's curly brown hair slightly darker than her tan skin bounces as she pops up from her seat.

"Uh huh indeed, well like I said we love building new bonds, but we would appreciate it if you waited until after the seminar so we don't interrupt the teachers." Headmaster Kenobi says with a smile on his face, while Professor Ren seems unamused and slightly irritated. He always seems so irritated, maybe it's just because I've only ever had bad interactions with him.

"Yes headmaster my apologies to both of you." Clove bows and sits back down, nudging your arm once she settles in. You smile. She leans into your ear and whispers "Professor Ren was looking at you the whole time he was addressing me by the way." A blue creeps to your cheeks and you nudge her back as she giggles under her breath.


"Thank you everyone for coming! You can pick up on your classes starting tomorrow, have a wonderful semester." Headmaster Kenobi bows and walks out chatting with some of the other teachers. You feel a cold glare on the edge fo your skin, scanning the room to find nobody staring at you, you shrug it off and follow as Clove skips out the room. You and exit the hall chatting with clove your hand fumbling for your phone to get her number but it isn't there.

"Hey I think I left my phone in the seminar hall I'll be right back wait here okay?"

"Okie dokie! Be careful! Don't run into any dark and mysterious professors!" You laugh as you rush away to get your phone. You open the door and peek inside and see you done up at the desk you were sitting, you walk in and grab it. You begin walking down the steps opening your contacts app when your foot slips, you close your eyes bracing for a long fall but instead, your face is greeted by the warmth of a body, their heart beating faster than a lightning bolt.

"For god's sake can you stop falling. It's getting too predictable."

I know that voice, that's- "Professor Ren!" you launch yourself back your butt hitting the step behind you hard. "ow." You look up and see professor ren sigh placing his hand on his forehead. "What are you doing here?" You get up and grab your butt a little, you look up to meet Ren's gaze but...he's not looking at your eyes. He quickly snaps his gaze up.

"This is my seminar hall, why are you here? Wait don't answer, you forgot your phone correct."

"Uh yes sir." Why did he flinch when I called him that? He's the one who told me to. He clears his throat and walks down the rest of the steps you following behind him. He walks you to the door without another word until his hand never actually opens the door for you, instead, you see him let go of the handle and get close to your ear.

A deep whisper says, "Miss Mira, I think your skirt is pulled up in the back from your fall earlier." A hot feeling reaches your face in embarrassment and you whip around and adjust the back of your jean skirt while trying not to make eye contact with him. You can feel him smirking a little as he watches you.

You clear your throat and cross your arms. "Thank you, Professor." You whip around and touch the doorknob as soon as it clicks and opens you can hear a small chuckle come from him as you rush out with a blush on your face and a heat between your legs.

Sweet Release//Modern Kylo AUWhere stories live. Discover now