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You can hear your heart beating out of your chest as you walk next to bash, you come to a slow stop a couple of steps away from your next class.

I'm so nervous, why am I so nervous? It was a dream, it was just a dream. What if he can tell that I dreamt about him?! That's ridiculous me, he's no psychic. Do I look okay? Why do I care! Just because he's attractive doesn't mean aything to me. He was mean and rude. But he was also kind to me when I needed some kindness. I miss talking to him like that...he was so...gentle and-

Your gaze snaps up to bash feeling his hand on your shoulder. "Hey are you okay? You kind of dazed off there for a bit." You smile a little and play with your hands. "Yeah yeah, I'm okay just nervous it's uh still my first day ya know?" You tried playing it off like it was nothing but toward the end you sounded desperate for some sort of reasoning to justify your daze. Bash smiles at you, raising the back of his hand to you cheek. "You have the most adorable blush you know that?"

You feel the heat rise in your cheeks again, sure you blushed alot but jeez compliments from a boy who looked like Sebastian? They made your stomach turn. In a good way. "A-ah thank you, Bash." He took a step closer to you still running his hand on the back of your cheek. Right as he began to open his mouth another voice came out.

"Ah. Sebastian Hux. Shouldn't you be getting to your father's class right now?" The deep voice sounded like venom dripping from his lips, so you turned slightly, your face now more hot than before. Professor Ren almost standing in between you, closest to you, not noticably. But you noticed.

You heard bash huff a bit in annoyance but greeted Mr. Ren with a smile. "Yes you're totally right Kylo- I mean Professor Ren. I was just saying goodbye to this beautiful girl." You look back at bash him greeting your gaze with a wink then turning to Professor Ren. "See you later Aspen."

You wave slightly as you hear the alarm on your phone buzz notifiying you were late to class. You quickly shut it off looking at Ren again, his stare hard and cold. You look away slightly as he begins to step past you looking back at you before opening the door to his classroom. "Already late on the first day Miss Mira, to my class none the less. How rude. You have no excuse to be late to my class, especially not for some boy." He growls as he puts his hand on the doornob hesiatating. You assume he is waiting or you to speak, so you jumble out the only words you can manage out.

"Y-yes sir, professor. I apolgize, it won't happen again." You hang your head low staring at your feet while twiddling your fingers, you thighs clenching together on instinct. You let out a sigh and hear the door nob click open, but without a shadow of a doubt considering all the air was sucked from your lungs, you hear a faint.

"Good girl." As you watch the door click closed.


You take a second to catch your breath as you were late already.

Why am I so weak in the knees when he's around? This is not the woman I am. I am not mush for any man. Let alone someone I barely know! I can't help but feel so tingly around him, like the air around me is burning my skin when he is around. His presence it's...hypnotic.

You run your fingers through your hair, tugging down your shorts you wore on purpose. You pull the doornob and enter the room with a bang as the door shuts, you don't even gaze at professor run and take a seat next to clove. She smiles at you noticing your confidence. Professor Ren clear his throat and begins to talk again.

"As I was saying, tomorrow you will begin your first partner assignment. You will be paired up with someone random and they will be your seat partner for the week. Each week we will be studying something new about the human body and it's instincts. For today you and the person sitting closest to you will begin going over our first chapter, you have 30 mintues to read through as much as you can. When the time is up you each group will present one thing they found interesting about the chapter. I do not want repeats, so if another group says your idea well oh well. Figure something else out to talk about that is prepared as a backup. Begin."

Sweet Release//Modern Kylo AUWhere stories live. Discover now