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You walk with Clove casually tuning into her rambling every once and a while, mostly she rambled about her friends. You still had no idea how fast she could make friends when it was barely the first day, no schedules even, not yet anyway. You try to keep pace with her as she tries to get you to talk about Professor Ren, to no avail of course. It was quite simple actually you think. When talking about him you kept stating nothing happened, he was older, a professor at your school, and he was kinda scary that's all. Nothing happened. Nothing happened. You go into thought farther.

Did I want something to happen? Why was my face and body so hot when I left? Why was his voice so smooth when he spoke to me? It was so different than when we first interacted, softer yet still powerful. Gods he smelled so good when I fell into him, like firewood and fresh pine.

Your thoughts interrupted with a high pitch squeal. "So how do we feel about our new dorm? It's uh...well?" Your eyes scan the room, two twin beds on opposite sides, the curtains mesh and pale grey, the walls white and empty except for a clock over the door.

"It needs a woman's touch, or two." You wink at Clove, her smile grows as she agrees.

"So when we're done unpacking you want to come and meet my friends?" Your smile fades a little, an awkward one fills your face instead. Your hand playing with your fingers slightly. "I don't know I mean we haven't gotten our schedules yet or our mentor's name, maybe I should wait here just in case they get dropped off? Plus I can unpack."

Clove crosses her arm and raises her eyebrow. "Yeah. No. I didn't see you as the shy type when we first met, quiet but definitely not shy."

"I'm not shy for the most part, but meeting new people is still weird ya know. I wouldn't want to impose on anything they have going on-" Both of your heads turn to the door as a light knock comes from it. Cloves nudges her head to the door signaling for you to get it. You sigh and walk over to the door as Cloves switches her outfit in the bathroom.

"Hi, you must be Aspen and Clove correct?" A boy with shiny silver hair greets you the freckles on his cheeks complimenting his pale skin. You half smile at him "Yes that's us. Love your hair by the way."

Attempting to hide his obvious blush. "O-Oh thank you, I was actually born like this." He smiles back at you. "Woah Really?!" A smile so big in amazement, he laughs a little. "No but I just wanted to make you smile, it suits you."

You laugh quietly blushing slightly. He clears his throat. "Anyway, here are both of your schedules, on the bottom is should say your professor mentor-based off of your last name. Oh and uh I'm Sebastian but my friends call me Bash, I'm the student executive. Which basically just means it's my job to know everybody." He chuckles and extends his hand out to you, as you go to reach out for it clove appears next to you and shakes his hand instead.

"It's so nice to meetcha I'm Clove! My friends and I are having a gathering later at the cafe would you like to join us, student executive?" She smirks a little cocking her head to the side, her curls bouncing. His smile half fading, he agrees and clove shuts the door. "He was GORGEOUS my my."

She turns to you as you hand her schedule to her. "Ooh! I have professor Leia for the psychology of the advanced mind, she seemed super nice. Then I have Miss Rose for History of a galaxy far far away, then Dr. Skywalker for Environmental history and grounding, and finally Professor Ren for the primal human body. How weird I didn't expect him to be a bio teacher when I signed up for the class. Annnnnd my mentor is Professor Leia! Who did you get?"

You open your schedule since you're majoring in psychology you have a couple of psych classes and some basics as well as electives. Way more than Clove. "Well, I have Professor Leia for the psychology of the advanced mind too so we share a class together already. Then I have Professor Amadala for psych2 into a mind of younglings, then I have Dr. Yoda for Poetry and Literature, and...professor Ren twice, for the primal human body and then the class after which is my study hall." Professor mentor from G to M- Professor K.B.S. Ren...Fuck.

"What's wrong? Are your classes wrong?" You didn't mean to say it out loud but you did. Your face grows hot, well I guess me and Professor Ren will be spending more time together than I expected. "No no they're not wrong I just got a headache."

Clove's face smiles at you. "Hey at least we have some classes together, why don't we go and meet up with my friend's now you're probably hungry."

You laugh a bit. "Yeah, I guess you're right. Let me grab my stuff."


"Aspen these are my friends! Avery, Jacqlyn, Malcolm, and Hayden, this is Aspen, she's gonna be hanging with us now! Ooh and someone new is also coming too his name is Bash and he's the student executive." You give a small wave to everybody as Clove moves her eyebrows up and down at her fellow girlfriends. Everyone is so pretty. You take a seat next to Hayden.

"Nice to meet you Aspen, so what's your major?"

"Psychology, I like picking into people's brains." You laugh a little and he laughs with you.

"Shoot next thing I know you're gonna be my new therapist!" He nudges your arm with his elbow. "So how did you meet clove, they've all have known her since high school but I was childhood friend's with her."

"I met her in the introduction seminar, she sat next to me."

"Oh wow, I'm so sorry." He laughs a deep laugh as clove comes over pushing his shoulder.

"Hey! I'm not that bad ya know, just because you're older and have 2 more years of college under your belt doesn't mean you're allowed to bully me! Plus I was curious about how she knew professor ren." You shift as the chatter between friends grows quiet and everyone looks at you.

The ginger-haired girl clove said was Avery speaks up. "You know professor...ren?" Her face is grimacing almost like she is afraid to speak his name. The blonde one speaks next which you assume is Jacqlyn. "The super hot teacher with a giant scar down his face?" She shifts in her seat seemingly intrigued by the notion of you knowing him.

You fumble for words. "Well I don't know know him, I just accidentally ran into him pushing him to ground. Then he told me to watch it and then helped me up. That was my only interaction with him."

"Liar! He also caught her when she fell down the stairs in his classroom." Clove states proudly with a smile on her face. "Oh yeah...that too." You blush and try to continue the conversation. "I didn't even notice his scar actually, I guess it just never registered." You shrug hoping to make the girls less interested and the guys less uninterested.

"I heard he got the scar because he got into a fight with this gang from another university when he was younger." Avery whispers only loudly enough for us to hear.

Jacqlyn scoffs. "No way, I heard he used to abuse his fiancée and she finally fought back and cut his face open."  She looks as everyone with a raised eyebrow, a smirk and her arms crossed. "Oh yeah...I heard that one too." Avery states shyly.

She really believes a rumor like that? That's horrible.

You hear a big huff of air and a scoff, you meet malcolm's eyes. "You be careful around professor ren Aspen, I know you're new so just be careful."

You cock your head to Malcolm. "Why? The guy seems totally harmless, he's just intimidating is all. I mean he's a teacher for Pete's sake, you think if he did either of those things he would still be permitted to work here?" You find yourself defending him, you can't point out why. You just do, like it's your job, a feeling to protect you just can't shake. Your eyebrows furrow for second your eyes meeting with Malcolm again, but Malcolm gets up and begins to walk away.

Cloves yells after him. "Mal wait!" She turns back to the group. "Sorry Aspen just give him a bit to adjust to you, he's usually kinda cold at first. Avery let's go find your brother." Avery nods and smiles a bit at you before she leaves. Both her and clove chasing after Malcolm.

I wonder why he stormed off when Ren was mentioned?

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