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You let Clove lead you through the crowd presenting bot of your fake ID's to the bouncer, he looks you both up and down smirking and then lets you pass through into the club. She turns to you and attempts to yell into your ear since the music was loud. "Hayden and the gang should be waiting for us!"

"Is jacqlyn supposed to be here too?" You yelled back, clove shook her head.

"She said she had a date so she cancelled!" You raise your eyebrow shrugging it off, feeling somewhat relieved she wasn't here with your friends.

"Aspen!!" You laugh and blush as you hear all your friends cheer your name. You give a shy wave, and take a seat in the big booth where everyone you know is. 

"Wow you look amazing." You do a twirl feeling a sudden rush of confidence.

"I agree you really do." You whip around to see Bash standing behind you, your heart half sinking when you see jacqlyn on his arm. Clove rushing in front of you to hug both of them.. 

"Bash and Jackie you made it I'm so glad! Come sit while me and Aspen go get drinks." You avoid Jacqlyn's eyes, pretending like she doesn't exist to you. You walk up to the counter with Clove as she orders drinks for everyone. 

"I didn't know Bash and Jacqlyn were ya know...a thing." You tap your finger on the bar as you speak hoping to contain your slight disappointment in your heart. 

"To be honest me neither but she usually have a new one every now and again so I'm not really surprised. Okay take your shot here now GO!" She hands you a shot glass with brown liquid in it, you throw it down your throat swallowing harshly as you feel the warmth in your belly grow. 

"Oh god that was horrible what was that?"

"Jameson, irish whiskey just for me and you doll. I want you to have fun and relax a little. You always seem so tense around everyone." You shake your head a little still recovering from your shot, what you couldn't say is how much you wanted to knock Jackie's teeth into her skull. Before you realize it another shot glass was full and being placed into your hand, this time not hesitating to take it down your throat trying to mask your irritation. 

"Listen I know jacqyln can be intimidating." You raise your eyebrow at her as you both begint o walk back with the drinks. "She usually does it on purpose when someone new comes in, sooner or later she'll mellow out I promise. I see the way you two interact, it's like you both are trying to murder each other with your eyes. Just try to have fun okay?" 

You roll your eyes again taking another shot as you both sit down with everyone else, the music fading into the background as you let your friend's laughter fill up your ears.

After several drinks later you are as loud and bubbly as ever, clove leads you up and you both command everyone's eye on the dance floor as you feel up on one another. Both of you in sync with the music pulling each friend up to dance one by one. In honestly you had never been to a club before, you've only casually drank but never this intensely, but at the same time you reminded yourself you never really had friends to do this with either up until recently. Admittedly you didn't tell your friends this because you didn't want to seem like a loser, you really loved the way thet treated you as an equal even though you were the youngest at 19. 

You laugh with your friends as all of them somehow find themselves dancing with someone. You walk back to the booth being careful not to fall in the heeled boots you wore. 

"You know bash is an amazing kisser." You groan audibly, meeting the blue eyes of jackie sipping her margarita. You scoff at her and turn back around to watch your friends have fun. "I hope you enjoyed bash walking you everyday because that won't happen anymore. Poor thing, what will you do without the attention of all the men in our group." You grind your teeth and turn to meet her swiftly.

"You know jacqlyn, maybe if you weren't such an insecure bitch you wouldn't feel the need to 'take the attention away from me'." You smile at her even though your voice was stern when it came out. You hear her chair push out and her palms hit the table rolling your eyes as she does so. 

"Me insecure please, you're the one who has to flirt with a teacher to get a good grade."

You scoff. "At least men are actually interested in me, maybe if you stopped trying so hard you'd meet guys who can put up with you for longer than a week."

"How dare you!? Do you know who I am! Maybe if you weren't so fucking oblivious to everyone around you, you'd figure out nobody actually cares about you." You put your hand up to stop her.

"I don't care at all who you are Jackie, you're nothing to me. I don't give two shits about what you have going on." You turn back around knowing that you made no sense due to your intoxication but still felt satisfied with your response. She was intoxicated too so you figured it made sense to her. Your voice catches the ear of hayden who turns around attempts to look for you. 

"You dumb slut, you'll fucking regret not giving a shit!" You raise your eyebrow as jacqlyn stand over you, your eye snap to the wall next to you feeling a sharp sting on the right side of you cheek. You listen as your hear the click of her heels walk away leaving you at the booth alone. You've never been hit by another woman before, you curse at yourself for being in shock but you weren't a violent person so hitting back didn't occur to you. 

You felt your anger burn inside your throat and began to gather your things from the booth, once your stuff was in your purse you swung it over your shoulder and walked out the exit to the club. You breathe deeply feeling the cold air enter your lungs practically moaning at the feeling. You didn't realize how hot and stuffy clubs were. You lean against the wall letting your eye close while you inhale the fresh air, just jolt open when you hear a crowd full of men come laughing out of the club. You open your phone turning your location on and turning on your emergency calls, you hadn't even thought to bring a tazer or keys just in case. 

You squeeze your eyes shut and you hear the sound of a whistle float your way, most chuckles from the men. "Hey you look a little lost baby? Need help getting home?" You open your eyes, your breathing getting unsteady but before the men can fully crowd around you a voice you faintly recognize speaks up.

"Actually she's with me." You feel a warm large hand grip your arm and yank you into his chest, you look up. "I was just about to drive her home, take care boys." 

Happy Christmas! Double update tonight bbeeeees!! I was too excited to write this chapter I'm sorry

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