Old friends

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Then she arrives. She's pretty. Messy hair, knee length. One green eye, one blue eye. And a smirk on her face. Adora gasps in shock.

"What's wrong?" Glimmer asked and Adora whispered

"That's Catra. She's here. Right now." Adora says and starts to hyperventilate

"Adora it's okay. You can do this. She couldn't possibly hate you that much. I mean, you grew up together." Bow says

"I only told her about the scholarship a few minutes before I left." Adora says 

"Oh, that sucks. Well, at least now you  have a chance to apologize. Right?" Glimmer says trying to be as positive as possible.

"Yeah, I guess so. I'll talk to her soon."  Adora says and sighs, knowing it won't be an easy conversation. Then Catra sits behind Adora, her feet on the table as usual.  Adora instantly becomes tense, and starts to worry. She eventually calms herself down until.

"Adora, can you tell me the first 8 numbers of pi?" Castaspella asked and Adora hesitated and tried to remember.

"Uhhh. 3.14159265." Adora says and lets out a sigh of relief. She remembered it. Class continues as normal and Adora isn't asked too many questions after that. when class was over,  Adora bumped into Catra, which wasn't intentional, but she was intending on using to her advantage.

"Hey," Adora says as she stands up, and holds a hand for Catra to hold. Which she doesn't. She doesn't even reply.

"Come on, talk to me." Adora says as Catra turns away.

"Talk to you?! You didn't even talk to me about the scholarship!" Catra yells facing Adora.

"Catra I couldn't!" Adora quietly yells in reply

"Couldn't what, Adora?! Couldn't bother to be a good friend?! Yeah, I know that." Catra says and walks past Adora pushing her shoulder. Then Adora grabs her hand

"Catra I'm sorry! I never told you because, I didn't really want to go!" Adora says accidentally then realizes what she just said. Catra stares shocked then turns coldly

"Well you did. You didn't have to take the scholarship, but you did. And I don't care anyway." She says and walks  away leaving Adora alone in the hallway. Excluding Bow and Glimmer, of course.

"Well that went worse than expected." Bow says and puts his hand on Adora's shoulder.

"But you have me and Bow. Its gonna be okay." Glimmer says and stands beside him.

"My oldest friend hates me. There's nothing okay about that." Adora says and stands up and walks away.


Hey ya'll!!!!!! I will be doing POV's from here on out. Not all the time, just often. I just finished Still Learning by @itsmefirefly (It's a good read! Try it!) And that's where I got the idea!!! Ok 



Adora's POV

I've probably never felt so awful in my life. Catra means everything to me, how could I have ever done that?! "Ugh! Why am I so good at everything!!" I say and punch my locker, denting it. Eventually I find myself crying in the hallway. Luckily everyone is in class. Crud! Everyone's in class! I stand up and run to class. I'm in the class and Castaspella isn't even here, no one is. Then I check the time.  SOCCER!!!!!!! I run to the field and see our coach standing there. She pulls me over and says

"Adora, you are one of- no my best player. And you've never been late before, what's happening, you can speak to me." She says and I shake my head

"I'm sorry, I wont be late again." I say trying not to mention why.

"Okay, now come on. We need to start warmups."

______________Time skip to after softball practice________________

Still Adora's POV

I just got a text from Catra. How did she even get my number?

Catra: Hey, I need your help. Please meet me in the office.

Me: Uhhhh. Okay. On my way ;)

I make my way to the office.

____at the office________________________

I walk in and see all the teachers and Catra. I wave and sit down on the only empty chair. The one next to Catra.

"You must be wondering why you're here," Principal Angella says and sits on her chair.

"Catra hasn't been doing so well in her classes, and we thought, because you already know each other, you could tutor her!" She says and I choke on air

"Sorry, what?!" I say catching my breath

"Well, you're the top in your class for every subject. So we thought you could tutor her." Castaspella says

"Umm, look. I know Catra, but she doesn't like--" I start and feel a hand cover my mouth.

"Can we talk about this outside?" Catra says her hand still on my mouth. I nod and we walk out of the office.

"Can you not talk about how I feel about you?" She says and moves her hand

"Uhh, okay." I say

"Please say no to tutoring me. I can pass by myself." Catra says and opens the door for me to pass..

"I'll do it." I say and Catra gasps, only for a second.

"Great, thank you. The library is still open if you want to start now." Principal Angella says then we start to walk out 

"Be home by 7," 


😁😁😁The chapter is finished!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!! Ok, bye!!!!!!!!!!

Love, Catralicious

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