Character concept: Jet

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How I wish we really did get to see Jet in the series. 


General appearance:

In my head, Jet would have (of course) black hair, fair skin, dark brown eyes. Make-up wise I feel it wouldn't be anything to stark, red lipstick and fairly natural eye-shadow, a little blush, too. She would wear a flowy black dress with little silver-ish details on it, short black boots, and silver earrings. 


Honestly Jet strikes me as a character that would probably be really sassy and confident. Perhaps a little flirtatious (towards Steel) and just a fun character to watch. I feel like Jet would also be one of those characters where you either love her or hate her, no in-between; mostly though, I do think she is a pretty lovable character, and I'd like to develop her further.


I'd say a fairly obvious starter here would be her relationship with Steel. I would be very happy to develop their relationship further to be honest, I feel like it's a very sarcastic and flirty relationship, I think it's pretty fun to write these little flirty, jokey lines between them. I suppose in a lot of ways it's similar to the relationship between Sapphire and Silver. Speaking of Sapphire, I absolutely love the on and off friendship between these two, because honestly, they can work really well together as seen in Assignment 8 Episode 4 - 5. I love writing the banter between these two, and I especially love writing Sapphire subtly getting jealous in the background of Steel and Jet moments. I don't think Jet really has any relationships with anyone else as off currently, but I'd be really happy to portray some more in upcoming assignments! 


So I feel like Jet is fairly equal to Sapphire abilities-wise, which in fact annoys Sapphire all the more. 

Jet can telepathically communicate, although this is seen as a more basic ability of most elements. However, Jet can also read minds and thoughts, sometimes not even on purpose, first seen in Assignment 8 Episode 2.

Jet's main/commonly used ability is making windows between the current place she is and another place. The power of these windows depends on the situation, sometimes they can simply be used as a form of communication and other times they can be used as literal portals that others can travel through although this is seen as draining in Assignment 8 Episode 5. The window ability is first demonstrated in Assignment 8 Episode 4.


And that's pretty much it about Jet, if I missed anything or you'd like to know anything else, let me know! ^^

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