Possible spoilers?

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Okay so, not really. These aren't definitely going to be featured. They're more just like concepts that I would love to work on or something in the future. Some of these ideas are fairly new and are not really developed. Not all of these ideas will be given the go-ahead but I'd sure like to try! Let me know which you'd like to see!


I'd absolutely love to do a spin-off book with Moonstone and Tin. Perhaps set in the future where they're all grown up :') I'm totally in love with the idea of giving the littluns they're own little spin-off. (they're not that  young, more like 13/14...)


An episode which requires an element from the future would be super interesting to write. I just wouldn't know how to condense it to the maximum of eight episodes. I would be super willing to work on it though!


So... Assignment 12 is going to be the finale and then I'll leave it for a while and maybe come back to it in the future. I won't go into detail but let's just say there's a few unexpected arrivals!


An Episode where we actually see what base looks like would be pretty cool. Although I was thinking of intertwining that with an episode in the distant future.



Hear me out, I was thinking randomly on a hot night at 3 AM: "Sapphire and Steel and the others can't of just naturally been able to handle their abilities right away straight from first existence into the world." Well, conspiracy theory alert: What if the gold mask (which is shown in the intro sequence) is actually their mentor or teacher which guides them to handle their abilities and learn their place in the universe? The idea sprung in my head immediately. I would find the whole concept rather comedic rather than serious, but oh boy would it be interesting to write!


Another trap concept for Sapphire and Steel but a little twist they wouldn't see coming would be pretty epic. Assignment 12 concept perhaps? We shall never know, only time will tell.


It would be pretty cool to see what Sapphire and Steel would do in the modern era. Time travelling is possible in their abilities, forwards and backwards... so it's a possibility! 

That's all kids. Let me know what you think! :3

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