Character concept: Gold

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I feel like Gold would be a pretty legendary character not gonna lie.


General appearance: So (obviously) Gold would have golden blonde hair, amber eyes, and slightly tanned skin. and I feel he'd probably wear a really odd coloured suit like beige or light brown. Shoes-wise he'd probably have light brown or something like that. He would definitely be super smart looking, I feel like maybe he would fuss about his appearance a bit to be honest. 

Personality: Personally I think Gold would be pretty mature, and maybe a little more traditional than the others, especially younger ones like Moonstone and Tin. He would definitely be a gentleman, I feel in a few ways he would be rather similar to Silver, but just more mature and free-spirited. I don't think there'd be many if any at all that wouldn't like him. 

Relationships: So as off now in between writing Assignment 8, Gold has only been seen interacting with Sapphire and Steel. He has a pretty friendly relationship with the pair of them, and even Steel doesn't really dislike him. I think that Gold and Sapphire are pretty good friends since Sapphire could easily recognise him in Assignment 6 Episode 6, and Steel and Gold? I mean, y'all know how Steel can be, but I think instead of being generally cold, he's just sarcastic instead, that's about as nice as he'll get towards anyone else except Sapphire. 

Powers/Abilities: Gold would be definitely a Specialist element. In Assignment 6 Episode 6 his most commonly used/main ability is to teleport at extreme distances, or actually between two different dimensions, worlds or places in general; although teleportation is a trait amongst most elements, Gold's teleportation distance limit doesn't exist, whereas I feel the other's would have a distance limit. Gold can also make things great and small disappear into a flash of light depending on where he would like them to go, for example he made the floating room disappear completely once he had freed Sapphire, Steel and himself from it.

I also implied in Assignment 6 Episode 6 that Gold has excellent tracking abilities in order to find the exact location of the floating room Sapphire and Steel were trapped in, although this ability was actually intended for another character. 

Gold also has the generic ability of holding telepathic conversations with other elements.


And that's pretty much it about Gold, if I missed anything or you'd like to know anything else, let me know! ^^

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