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After I finish introducing myself. She tells me to sit next to someone called Frong.

*why do I feel like I heard this name somewhere.* I thought to myself as I was walking towards my sit.

I set down on my sit still thinking about where I heard this name. While I was still in my thoughts someone from the back tapped on my shoulder. I turned around and saw that tall guy who was bullying Jack this morning. I quickly turned to face the front. My eyes were wide open as if I just saw a ghost.

*now I remember where I heard this name. Its that guy who was bullying Jack this morning with this tall guy...................Wait so does that mean.* I thought to myself.

I slowly turned to face my partner wishing that its not the same guy who I saw this morning and guess what? I saw that guy who was bullying Jack this morning with this tall guy sitting behind me. Someone tapped on my shoulder from the back again and I turn around.

"hello Mr brave." he says and gives me a wink.

I rolled my eyes and face the front. I don't know why I did that but I just did it. As for him he just giggled and started talking to his friend.

"everyone stop talking now!" the teacher says as he enters. Then he places the stuff which was in his hands on the table in front of him. Then he looks at everyone "King!" he says suddenly out of nowhere.

"y-yes sir" King says as he stands up everyones eyes were on him. It was a uncomfortable silence but it broke after the teacher spoke.

"why are you talking to your partner When I clearly said not to!?" the teacher says in a very angry tone.

"sorry sir it won't happ-" he says but gets cut of in the middle.

"sorry sorry sorry I'm really fed up with your sorry do you even mean it or just saying it for the sake of it. Stop this fake sorrys of yours. I don't want any of your talking and your sorrys anymore and the only way I can stop you from saying this fake sorry is to move John. John move next James and Ram move next to King. Now no talking no fake sorrys" he says in a very annoyed tone. I mean anyone could get annoyed by now if you keep saying sorry and don't mean it.

"ohh no sir please don't move John" King says as he was pleading to not move John.

"quickly John. I don't want you to waste our time." the teacher says and watches the boys move their sits.

John moves to Ram's place and Ram moves to John's  place. I turn around and gave Ram a smile.

"hello Ram" I whisper and give him a smile.

"hello" he says and gives me a smile back. I turn around and face the front. The teacher starts the lesson.



It was middle of the lesson and I wanted to look outside the window to see the beautiful clear sky. As I was about to look outside I saw Frong's face. He was sleeping.

*I forgot this person is my partner. But why do I find him sleeping so cute. I mean he looks cute when he is asleep. No no no Thara no what's wrong with you?! Focus focus on the work. * I thought to myself.

I turn my face towards the book and start taking notes from the board.

King's pov:

*omg. I have to sit next to this boring person.* I thought to myself and set down. He set next to me and said hi to that Mr brave.

*how come Ram know this Mr brave? * I thought to myself. But didn't think much about it and start looking about of the window. It was so boring having Ram as my partner cause all he does is focus on the work.

*how can someone be this boring. But he is cute. Wait King did you just call this boy cute. What's wrong with you. Have you lost your mind.* I thought to myself and look outside the window to distract myself.

[After class:]

Thara's pov:

*yay! The class is over. I'm very hungry. Let's get something to eat.* I thought to myself.

As I was packing my bag someone tapped on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Ram.

"are you hungry?" he asks

"Yes. Super hungry" I say as I put my hands on my stomach.

"then let's go to the lunch hall" he says

I nod and we both leave the classroom and walk towards the lunch hall. We enter the lunch hall and we go get our food and sit at the table with phi and his some other friends and the guys mek and boss who I met in the class this morning.

"Swadee kharp phi" I say as I give him a big smile and sit down.

"Swadee Thara" he says and gives me a smile.

"let me introduce my brother to you all. This is Thara" duen introduced me to his other friends.

"Swadee kharp everyone" I say and they say Hello back. Then we started eating.

We all finish our food and start talking to each. I needed to go to the toilet but didn't know where is was. So I asked phi to take me there.

Me and phi were walking towards the toilet. We enter the toilet when we enter we saw that tall guy who's name is King and that other guy who was with that tall guy this morning who's name is Frong. Phi didn't really care about this people and went in one of the stalls.

There was  this other guy who was tall. But wasn't getting involved with the bullying. I knew they were bullying someone cause I could see someone against the wall just like what they did to Jack this morning. But didn't know who it was. As for the guy I was talking about That guy was just leaning against the wall with his one foot on the wall with a lollipop stick in his mouth and he wasn't that much near where the bullying was happening. That's how I knew he wasn't involved in the bullying. But he might be one of their team mates. I forget about that and was about walk in a stall, cause I couldn't handle anymore, when  I  saw Jack's face.

*what?! Jack again? Why are they always after Jack. * I thought to myself.

As I was about to step in the toilet I heard someone say. "help!" I turned around to see that King guy was about to punch Jack.

"stop!" I say without even thinking about it. But He ignored me and was about to punch him.

"I said stop!" as I was saying that phi comes out of the toilet.

"what the actual f**k is wrong with you. How many times have I told you to mind your own business." Frong says.

" Mr frong  stop it or else I'll call the teachers" phi says

"ohh look some one is here to protect this little Mr brave." King says. With a laugh.

"Yes.now get the f**k out of here" phi says in a angry tone.

"calm down boy calm down. To much anger is not good" says the guy who was leaning on the wall.

"now who are you!?" phi  asks

"Well I'm a member of this team. But I can be in your team if you let me make you my wife" he says as he moves towards phi.

"what the. What?! No get lost" phi says

"well think about it again boy. You won't get this chances ever again." he says

"haha nice one. I would find someone better then you. You keep you offer to yourself. Thank you." phi says. I take Jack's hand and phi takes mine and we leave the toilet.

💜Love In Fights💜 {Ramking} {Bohnduen} {TharaFrong} Where stories live. Discover now