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"um what do we do now?" King asks. Waiting for Ram to answer as he looks towards him. But Ram just shrugs in a gesture of 'I don't know'

Suddenly, out of nowhere Ram starts walking towards King. King didn't know what was going on so he takes a step back. "wha-what a-are yo-you do-do-doing?" King says in a nervous voice. Ram doesn't say anything but takes more step forward. Then he takes another then another. Each step Ram takes forward King takes one Back. Without knowing King slams in the wall behind him. Ram wasn't that far from King. He was like 5 steps away. Soon they were like few inches apart. Then suddenly Ram leans in a little.

"he-hey stop there." King says. "I know you are hot, sexy and cute. But I don't think I'm interested in boys. Yes I find you hot, sexy and cute but I don't think you in that way. I'm-I'm not gay" King slaps himself in his mind realising what he just said. He closed his eyes and started to curse himself. 'why in the fucking world would you say that king. Have you lost your damn mind?!'

"just ignore what I said. I mean it's true but just imagine I never said that" King covers his mouth realising what he said. 'you stupid crusty musty potato! Why did you have to say 'it's true' I think you have really lost it king' he curses himself.

Ram doesn't say anything and reaches his hand out and grabs his phone. He then sits on the toilet sink counter and goes through his phone. King was turning so red like a tomato. He done embarrassed himself front of him.

'King you really are stupid. Why would you say that. He just wanted his phone back. But its his fault too. Why didn't he ask. Instead of creating this big misunderstanding. I'm not the only person who is dumb here. Even he is.' King was busy in his thought but was brought back to reality

when some voice which King didn't know said "thanks for calling me hot, sexy and cute and even I'm not into men. So you don't need to worry. You are safe. To be honest I should be scared of you. Cause calling me sexy hot and cute seemed pretty gay to me"

Ram never talks this much. Ram only talks much to people he trusts and loves. For example his friends and family. As for the strangers he wouldnt even open his mouth. Most people think he can't talk. Even King is just like a stranger to him.......

.....That's why he use Google translator to say that.

Ram just stood up and walked in one of the stalls. King firstly was confused on why he used the Google translator thing to say that when he clearly talked to me few times now. And secondly he was embarrassed Well cause of what he said. King really wanted to go back in time and stop  embarrassing himself like that. But he knew that won't be possible.

When Ram left King was kinda glad he went in the stall cause he didn't wanted ram to see his tomato face. To be honest his face was so red that he literally looked like a tomatos lost twin brother But King was also kind off wondering why Ram suddenly went in the stall like that. King didn't think much about it and splash some water on his face to relax himself before he comes and sees his red tomato look like face.

side note by author: Ram went in the stall cause he needed to go to the toilet. (basically to poop)

💜Love In Fights💜 {Ramking} {Bohnduen} {TharaFrong} Where stories live. Discover now