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After Winx defeated Acheron and the Trix, Bloom felt a presence she hadn't felt in years, which could only belong to one person, Valtor. The evil wizard destroyed her planet and nearly killed her and her family.

Valtor wants to seek revenge on the royal family of Domino and the new Company of Light for defeating him and sending him to Obsidian. Since he was a dark wizard and an evil heart, Obsidian shouldn't have been so unbearable. But the Ancestral Witches were trapped there too, making life hell for him since he couldn't steal/kill his counterpart.

In the meantime, a powerful half-demon and half-wizard escape his prison. The last Dark Demon was so powerful and destructive that the former Company of Light and the Coven (Ancestral Witches and Valtor) had to work together to stop him. His main goal is to kill both of the Keepers of the Dragonflame and take the Dragonflame while he is at it. Will Winx and Valtor put aside their rivalry and hate to work together or will they do it on their own?



There will be three POVs, Blooms, Valtors and a third view. The history will be a little changed since in my story the Ancestral Witches are still alive in Oblivion.

Winx Club Valtors comebackWhere stories live. Discover now