Chapter 1

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"Did you find her?!?" he yelled, "Where is she?!"

The cloaked female trembled at his words, knowing that he would be much angrier when she answers.

"I'm talking to you, fool!" he barked at her, "Where is she?!"

"I-I-I'm s-s-s-s-s-sorry," she she stuttered, "S-s-s-she's been cl-cloaked."

"Cloaked?" he roared, "Who cloaked her?!??"

She wasn't sure, but she couldn't bring herself to say it, in fear of what he might do to her.

Suddenly, realization dawned on the mystery man's face, "Of course, this was that darn Freya Mikaelson's doing, wasn't it?"


Stefanie Salvatore shot up from bed, shivering. She's had another one of her nightmares. Each one was a little different from the other, but the theme was the same. She saw a cloaked man, and every time he appeared to have been looking for a girl. This time, however, a name had been spoken in her dream. Freya Mikaelson. She had no idea who this Freya was, but she knew it didn't matter. It was just a dream, after all. Stefanie was only eight, so she crept into her parents room.


Alaric Saltzman was sitting in his office, deep in thought when Emma Tig, Guidance Counselor/Witch Doctor, entered the room. Alaric Saltzman was the headmaster, and founder, of the Salvatore Boarding School for the Young and Gifted. Locals thought it was a boarding school for troubled rich kids, but that was far from the truth. In fact, that was just the school's cover. The school was actually a boarding school for the supernatural.  

"What is it, Emma?" Alaric asked.

"There's someone outside," Emma answered, "She's waiting to meet with you. We don't know who she is."

"Send her in," he told Emma and Emma complied.

Then, a raven-haired girl entered the room.

"Welcome to the Salvatore Boarding School for the Young and Gifted," Alaric said, greeting the stranger, "What can I do for you?"

"Is there a Hope Mikaelson here?" the mysterious woman asked, "I would like to speak to Hope Mikaelson." 

Hope Mikaelson was special, she was the only tribrid to ever have existed. Her grandmother, Esther Mikaelson, was a witch, her father, Klaus Mikaelson, was the first werewolf-vampire hybrid, and her mother, Hayley Marshall, was werewolf royalty. Not only that, but her father was one of the five original vampires (the first vampires to exist). The original vampires were Rebekah Mikaelson (her aunt), Kol Mikaelson (her uncle), Elijah Mikaelson (her dead uncle), Finn Mikaelson (her dead uncle), and Klaus Mikaelson (her dead dad). Hope Mikaelson was an orphan, who was under the guardianship of her aunt, Freya Mikaelson. Her aunts and uncles were alive a thousand years before she was.

"I'm sorry," Alaric said, "But who are you?"

"Show me Hope Mikaelson," she stated, deciding to ignore the headmaster's question.

"I can't do that," Alaric says, "You have to identify yourself."

"I would like to speak to Hope Mikaelson," she pushed on.

"I can't do that," Alaric repeated, "Unless you identify yourself as a family member of Hope."

"Show me Hope Mikaelson," she said, more of an order this time than a request.

Before he could respond, there was a knock on his door.

"Who is it?" he called.

"It's me, Hope," the knocker responded.

"Hope Mikaelson?" the guest asked, hopefully.

"Is there someone in here? Am I interrupting a meeting? I can leave if -" Hope began but the woman in the office cut her off, "Are you Hope Mikaelson?"

"Yes?" Hope responded, clearly confused.

Before Alaric could react, the woman pushed open the door and lunged at Hope, which Hope luckily avoided. The attacker stood up, ready to strike again. This time, she aimed straight for Hope's nose. Hope ducked, nearly avoiding the hit again. Before the woman could retaliate, Alaric stepped in front of Hope, and kicked her in the shin. She fell over in agony.

"Who was that?" asked Hope to which Alaric responded, "I'm not sure, she came here looking for you."

In less than an hour, no one batted an eye at the incident. The attacker was locked away in the dungeons, located in the school's basement, and everything was back to normal. Alaric was still in his office, and Hope was eating lunch in the cafeteria with her friends.

"So, guess what?" Lizzie Saltzman, Alaric Saltzman's daughter and one of the two only living witches left in the Gemini Coven, asked.

"What?" asked Landon Kirby, he was a phoenix and son of the notorious Malivore.

"Mom's coming back to visit!" Josie Saltzman, Lizzie's twin sister and the other living witch of the Gemini Coven, answered excitedly.

"Actually," began Rafael Waithe, alpha werewolf, "I've never even met your mom."

"She's like, amazing and hot!" says Jed, werewolf and former alpha.

"She's my mom," says Lizzie, clearly disgusted.

Milton "MG" Greasley, vampire, interjects, "She's super nice, unless you tell her that her news show sucks. Jamie Bowen did that once, she hates him now."

"I've never met her either," says Kaleb Hawkins, vampire.

"Well, she's really nice," Hope says, "I've met her a few times."

Lizzie and Josie's mother was not really their mom, nor did she have any romantic history with their father. The twins' birth mom died while she was pregnant, so they were transferred into Caroline Forbes-Salvatore with magic. Since their birth, Caroline has loved and cared for them, and hence took over the role as their mother. Caroline loved Stefanie's uncle, Stefan Salvatore. Unfortunately, he died a few hours after their marriage, leaving Caroline a widow. Another former romance Caroline has had was with Hope's dad. Klaus Mikaelson loved her, and although Caroline still denies any romantic feelings towards him, she has grown a soft spot for him as well.

"Well, I can't wait for her to get here!" Josie says excitedly.

"She sounds nice, but I've never met her either," says Landon.

The next morning, Hope woke up and decided to go check on her attacker from last night. She tiptoed to the dungeons, only to find that the woman had escaped!

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