Chapter 2

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"So? You told me you found her location. Did you bring here?" the husky voice asked.

The girl shook her head, "I'm sorry. I -"

The man cut her off, "SO IT WAS A FAIL, THEN?!?"

"I'm really sorry," she says tenderly, "I can try again, I can -"

He cut her off again, "No. I have a better plan, and I don't need you anymore."

"So I can go home?" asked the girl, excitedly.

"I had something different in mind," he says, grinning. Then, he twisted his hand in a motion, somehow choking the girl, "Never send a human to do an immortal's job."


Stefanie woke up, breathing heavily. She'd had another nightmare. Sweat was pooling down her tan forehead and neck. Her chocolate brown hair was a mess, her icy blue eyes were filled with anxiousness. Never send a man to do an immortal's job was what the hidden man had said. It was pretty mysterious, but then again, they were just nightmares. Stefanie grabbed her stuffed bear, Mr. Beary, and tiptoed to her parents' room, careful not to wake her parents. It had become the normal because of her terrifying nightmares. 

"So, how come you're not sleeping in your own room lately?" asked Damon the next morning at breakfast.

"I've been having nightmares," Stefanie said, "And they're scary."

"What kind of nightmares?" Elena asked as she fed Stefanie's baby brother, Johnathan. He was named after Elena's birth dad (better known as her father), John Gilbert.

"There's this creepy guy in a black hood," began Stefanie, "And in every nightmare he yelled at some girl for not finding some person."

"That's an interesting nightmare," began Elena, "You know what, I'll search it up in my Guide To Dreams book after you're done explaining it."

"And I can't see either of the people involved," Stefanie continued, "No one else was in my nightmare, but one time someone's name was mentioned."

"Who was it?" Damon asked playfully, not reading much into the situation.

"Freya Mikaelson," Stefanie said, "The cloaked guy said something about her cloaking somebody, whatever that's supposed to mean."

Damon almost spit out his coffee, "Wait, did you just say Mikaelson?!?!"

"Yeah, why?" asked Stefanie curiously.

Elena and Damon gave each other a glance before Elena responded with, "No reason. Never mind."

"Okay," shrugged Stefanie, "I'm going to be late for school."


"Are you saying she escaped from our dungeons?" Alaric asked Hope, now in a panicked frenzy.

Hope nodded her head, "When I went to check on her, she wasn't there!"

Alaric was pacing back and forth when Hope interrupted him, "Calm down. I bet we can find her, it shouldn't be too hard. We know what she looks like, anyway."

"Why should I be calm?" asked Alaric, "Right now, we have a serial killer running around!"

"We don't actually know if she's killed anyone," Hope pointed out.

"Still, she attacked you," Alaric said, "That means she's a danger to the school."

"I'm certain we can find her," Hope says reassuringly, "Plus, you got the Super Squad on your side."

The 'Super Squad' was the nickname for Hope, Landon, Rafael, Jed, Kaleb, Lizzie, Josie, and MG.

Alaric smiled, "That does make me feel a little bit better.

"Good," said Hope, "Now we can focus on tracking AP down."

Both Alaric and Hope agreed to refer to the woman as AP (Anonymous Person) since they didn't know her name.


As soon as Stefanie left for third grade, Damon turned to his wife, "Did you hear what she said?"

"What?" asked Elena, "That she's been having nightmares."

"No," Damon said, "That a Mikaelson was in her dream!"

"First of all, it was a nightmare, not a dream," argued Elena, "And second of all, she's probably read that name somewhere. The Mikaelsons have been alive for like a thousand years, it's unlikely that they won't be mentioned publicly sometime. And Klaus was an artist, maybe Stefanie's seen his name on some art website or something. Or, it could be some other people with the last name Mikaelson."

Damon raised his eyebrow, "How many people do you know with the name Mikaelson?"

"That's beside the point," said Elena, "I'm just saying that her knowing the name Mikaelson doesn't mean that something sinister's going on."

"I guess you're right," sighed Damon, "I guess I just got carried away."

"Good, now drink your coffee and forget about it," Elena told Damon.

He chuckled and listened to what Elena said.


"Any info on AP?" Hope asked her team, the Super Squad.

Everyone shook their heads. "Sorry, Hope," Lizzie said, "We're still looking."

Hope scratched her head, "Alaric's counting on us, what do we do? We can't let him down!"

"And we won't," Landon reassured her, "We'll find her."


"Is she okay?" Rebekah asked her sister, "Were you able to cloak her."

"Davina and I successfully cloaked her, but I heard she'd been attacked at school," Freya said, sadly, "I think they somehow found her."

"Don't worry," Kol reassured, "Even if they find her, we'll protect her."

"How?" asked Rebekah, "We're trapped, and we can't even find a way out. How in the world will we protect her?"

"We'll find a way," Davina said, "We always do."

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