Chapter 13

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The first thing Klaus noticed after waking from the dead was his daughter. No one noticed that he opened his eyes, yet.

"Why is my daughter dead?" Klaus's voice boomed.

Silas turned to see that he was awake and smiled, "It was a necessary casualty. I needed to do it in order to bring you back to life."

"So you killed my daughter?" Klaus asked, surprised at his ignorance, "You killed my daughter and you expect me to help you?"

"Well, yes," Silas said sheepishly, "As long as you're back, it's okay, right?"

"Wrong!" Klaus yelled, "I don't care what you have to do! Bring. Hope. Back."

"I can't exactly do tha-" Klaus cut Silas off, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN? KILL ME FOR ALL I CARE, JUST BRING BACK MY DAUGHTER!"

Silas jumped, shocked by Klaus's sudden outburst, "I thought you would be glad. You get another chance at life and-"

Klaus gaped at Silas, getting irritated, "Look, if you can't bring my daughter back, I'll kill you."

"Wait," Silas said, desperate to make Klaus happy, "I did you a favor. I gave you my powers, using my blood. Isn't your daughter's death worth it."

Klaus's blood boiled at this point, "You ignorant piece of shit. Did you not hear me the first time? Have your witch bring back my daughter, or she won't be the only one dead!"

"Well, you see, the problem with that is-" Klaus has had enough. He grabbed the White Oak from the floor and pierced it through Silas's heart. 

Klaus ran to Hope. Stefanie moved to the side to make room for Klaus. 

"Is she okay?" Klaus looked at Stefanie. He didn't know who she was, but the fact that she cared about Hope was enough to make him appreciate her.

"She's dead," Stefanie said, unable to meet his eyes. She knew that Klaus cared for Hope way more than she did, and she felt sad for him.

"This wasn't supposed to happen," Klaus shook his head, "I wasn't supposed to come back."

Their mourning was cut short when Elena, Damon, Lizzie, Josie, Alaric, and Caroline entered the room.

Their eyes searched the room, until they landed on Stefanie, Klaus, and Hope.

"Oh my god," gasped Caroline, "Is she -"

Caroline couldn't even bring herself to say it, though her question was answered when Stefanie slowly nodded.

Alaric walked up to Hope, "I can't believe this."

Lizzie and Josie joined the mourning. Elena and Damon hung their heads, standing behind the group huddled around Hope.

Tears and condolences were exchanged. Soon, it was time to address the other elephant in the room. And that elephant was Niklaus Mikaelson.

"How are you even alive?" asked Elena, "I thought you died two years ago."

"I did," answered Klaus, "Silas brought me back to life. And killed Hope in the process."

"Silas?" asked Caroline. Stefanie explained how the hooded man was really Silas.

"You have magic?" Damon asked his daughter, "Since when?"

"Since I was born, I guess," said Stefanie, "I'm not really sure how it works."

"When I found out Hayley was pregnant, a child was the last thing I wanted," said Klaus, "Especially a tribrid. But now, I would give my life for her. Over and over again."

Everyone had tears in their eyes, except Lizzie who jumped up and down excitedly. Everyone gaped at her, "Um, bad timing?" Caroline told her daughter.

"I just remembered, Hope's a tribrid," Lizzie exclaimed.

Klaus just stared, confused, "Yeah, so?"

"So," said Lizzie, "She has vampire blood. That means she's coming back, but as a vampire."

"So she's not dead?" Stefanie asked, hopeful.

"Well, technically, she is," said Lizzie, "If she completes the transition, she'll be undead."

"That's great news!" said Josie, "So when will she wake up?"

"Probably within the next hour," answered Damon, "Should we move her or something?"

"We probably should," agreed Caroline as she slung Hope over her shoulders, "Let's go."

Klaus smiled at Caroline's enthusiasm. It's part of why he fell in love with her all those years ago.

She vamp-sped out of here, and to the Salvatore Boarding School.

Everyone else followed, happy to have Hope back.

[Time Skip to after Hope wakes up]

Everyone was crowded around her as she opened her eyes. 'Everyone' includes, Stefanie, Lizzie, Josie, Landon, Kaleb, MG, Rafael, Jed, Caroline, Elena, Damon, Klaus, Emma, and Alaric.

"W-where am I?" Hope asked, her mouth was pale and dry, "And why am I so hungry?" then her eyes traveled to her father, "Dad? How?"

"You're in transition, love," Klaus answered, "And don't worry about how I'm here."

"Transition? Does that mean I'm a vampire?" Hope asked.

Caroline nodded, "So, now it's up to you. Feed or die? I don't want to take this choice away from you, whatever you decide, we will support you."

"I-" before Hope could decide, Stefanie cut her wrist, "Here."

"I can't drink from you!" Hope said, "I don't know control. And I'm really, really hungry. I don't think I will be able to stop once I start."

"I trust you," said the eight-year-old. In the events of two days, Hope had become a sister to her. And Stefanie didn't want to lose a sister.

Damon looked at his daughter, "I agree with Hope, I don't know if it's a good idea. Maybe she can drink from me, instead."

Stefanie shook her head, "Here," she said, turning back to Hope.

"Stef, trust me, you don't want me to drink from you," Hope told her.

Stefanie stood there, stubbornly, "Please?"

Hope sighed, and then turned to her dad, "I'm counting on you to get me to stop."

She sunk her new fangs into Stefanie's hand, drinking hungrily. She stopped immediately.

"See, I knew I could trust you," Stefanie smiled at Hope.

Hope smiled back, and she smiled wide.

"Why are you so happy?" Stefanie asked.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Hope asked, "The Silas drama is all over, and I finally have my dad back. We can be a family again."

"Right... about that..." Klaus began. Hope could already tell that she wasn't going to like what her father had to say.

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