Topanga to the Rescue

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"Okay, Gabi, we're going on an adventure," I say as I place Dillon back in the basket.

I look over to her and see a smile forming on her face as her eyes light up, "Yay! Where are we going? What are we going to do?"

"Matthews, and we're going to have some much-needed fun," I say simply, causing a giddy laugh of excitement from Gabi, and making me laugh, "Go get your sneakers on."

She nods and runs to her room, coming back in a mere 30 seconds with her pink Twinkle Toe Velcro sneakers already on.

"I'm ready for an adventure!!" She exclaims, a huge smile on her face, which makes my smile even wider.

"Okay, good, then let's go," I say, grabbing Gabi's hand, grabbing Dillon in his basket, and heading out to the Matthews apartment.

Thank god Topanga almost never sleeps. I get to the buzzer and buzz in, "Topanga? I really hope you're awake. Are you up? It's Maya, and I need some help."

About 15 seconds later, I hear Topanga's voice, "Come on up Maya," she says before buzzing me in. I rapidly go to their apartment and knock on the door.

Topanga opens it up right away with a worried expression on her face. She opens the door to let me in and we sit down on the couch, and she asks, "What's wrong Maya?"

"I got a predicament here," I say, motioning to the basket in my hand, and Topanga's gaze goes right to it, her eyes going wide as her mouth drops open. It takes a lot to surprise Topanga Laurence Matthews.

"Why is there a baby in a basket?" she asks shakily, her gaze never leaving Dillon.

"Well, I went home from my double shift at the bakery, and he was at my doorstep with an anonymous note from his parents, with not so much as the baby's name," I explain.

"Seriously? I thought that only happened in the movies..." she says, still in complete and utter disbelief.

"Same here, but I guess it's real," I shrug as I breathe out shakily, "I need your help."

"Of course Maya. Anything you need, I'll help you," Topanga presses, "Just name it."

"Do you still have baby stuff from when Auggie or Riley were little?" I ask hopefully, "Like a crib, bottles, diapers, stuff like that? You know with Gabi, we didn't need that stuff, and there's no possible way that I can afford all of it."

"You're in luck," Topanga says, smiling, "I kept all of that stuff and put it in a storage space."

"Oh thank god," I sigh in relief.

She gets up and says, "Just give me one second, I just have to grab the key and I'll take you there."

I nod and smile as she leaves the room, but she comes back quickly, "Oh yeah, Gabi you can come with me, Riley would love to see you. You guys can play, and have a sleepover!" she says enthusiastically.

"Yay!" Gabi says again, doing the same thing as Riley does as she runs past Topanga and down the hall to Riley's room, making us both laugh.

Topanga then goes and grabs the key to the storage unit, and comes back, grabbing her purse, phone, and jacket, "Let's go."

I nod, picking up Dillon's basket and following Topanga out of the apartment to the storage unit.


Word Count: 570
Hey all! So here's the schedule for this book: I'm going to post every Monday and Friday. This is for Monday this week.

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