Let's Go

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I wake up to a weight on me, and when I turn to see what it is, I see a lightly toned arm wrapped around my waist. I look up and see Josh fast asleep, his lips parted softly as he takes deep breaths in and out. I smile at the sight as an unconscious smile comes onto Josh's face.

I slowly and carefully get out of Josh's embrace, looking down at him properly. So last night happened, it wasn't a dream. This man loves me, and I love him.

I look down at the arm that was wrapped around me, and I see Josh's watch. I look at it and see what it reads; 9:00. Oh god, we gotta leave in 45 minutes if we want to meet the Matthews at 10.

Right before I'm about to shake him awake, I remember that he doesn't like to be woken up, so I should do it nicer than shaking him. I smile at him and lean down, leaving a soft, gentle kiss on his lips. Right as I'm about to pull away, I feel him kiss back, and before I can react, Josh grabs my waist and pulls me down to him, making me lay completely on top of him as our lips move together in a synchronized manner.

"We have to get up," I say in between kisses.

"Five minutes," he mutters in return.

I sigh and decide to trick him as he lifts his chest up a little, his eyes still shut, so I put my hand behind his back and sit him up, making me straddle him. Without breaking our make out, I get off his lap, making him follow my movements as I get out of bed, moving towards the door of the bedroom.

I open it quickly before Josh opens his eyes and realizes what I'm doing, leading him into the main area and making him lean onto the dining table and he sits on top of it.

Suddenly, I pull away and push his chest down, closing the door to his room. I watch him open his eyes and adjust to the lights that is coming in from the windows in the living room.

When he finally adjusts, his eyes widen at me.

"God you're good," he breathes out, putting his hands behind him to keep him up.

"Yup," I quip, giving him a quick kiss on the lips, "Good morning to you too Boing."

I go to wake up the kids, but not before I see Josh run his hand through his hair and mutter, "I could get used to waking up like that."

I blush and continue heading to the hallway and into the kids' room. I'm surprised to see Gabi awake as she sits up on her bed, silently playing with one of her few number of barbies.

At the sound of the door, her eyes whip up to meet mine and she smiles widely, "Morning Mommy."

"Morning sweetie," I say, leaning down to kiss the top of her head, "Sleep well?"

She nods, "Yeah."

"Good," I quip as I make my way over to Dillon, gently picking him up out of his crib and making sure that he doesn't wake up. He does, but I just hold him against my chest as he yawns and places his head on my shoulder, undoubtedly going back to sleep in my arms. I motion for Gabi to come and she smiles and nods, following me into the main area.

"How are th-" Josh starts, but then I quickly put a finger up to my lips, and he shuts up immediately as he sees Dillon in my arms.

Once we get over to him, I whisper softly, "Can you take care of Gabi?"

He nods quickly and I kiss his cheek in thanks. I take Dillon back to his and Gabi's room, quickly grabbing an outfit for him. (a/n: see pictures for Gabi, Dillon, Josh and Maya's outfits)

"Okay Dillon, I gotta change you; As adorable as this Pooh onesie is, it's way too hot to wear outside," I say softly, pulling Dillon's mat out from under his crib and placing him on top of it. He starts to whine and squirm, but I quickly spot my bear on the floor, so I grab it and hand it to him, "Look bud, it's Fuzz!"

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