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I make my way to my bedroom and gently knock on the door as I open it slowly, peeking my head in. Gabi's still fast asleep, and I realize that she's now wearing one of my shirts, making my heart swell. I carefully walk over to the bed, sitting at the end of it and gently shaking her.

"Gabi, time to wake up sweetie," I whisper. She groans lightly and moves a little, rubbing her eyes and sitting up. The second she sees me, a huge smile comes to her face.

"Good morning Mommy!" she exclaims, practically jumping onto my lap and wrapping her arms around my neck, giving me a huge hug. I laugh lightly.

"Good morning Gabi," I say, moving her hair out of her face, "Breakfast?"

"Yes please," she says, still wrapped around me and I nod, picking her up by her legs and going out of the room to the kitchen.

"Morning Gabi," Josh says as he sees her, giving her a smile.

"Morning Daddy," she says, making me choke on air as I put her down. Josh notices my discomfort and quickly corrects her.

"Gabi, please call me Josh," he says, leaning down to her to greet her as she walks over to him and giving him a hug.

"Okay, sorry Josh," she says.

"It's okay Gabi," he says, rubbing her back as we make eye contact, and I smile at him, him smiling back.

I walk to Dillon, who's laying on his blanket in the living room doing his tummy time. He starts to squirm around and my eyes widen.

"Josh," I breathe out.

"Yea?" he says, and everything goes quiet other than Dillon's coos as he rolls over to his back. My smile widens as I pick him up and place him on my lap.

"Great job Dill," I coo, poking his cheek and making him smile his adorable smile.

"Wow," Josh says, and I can tell that he's a lot closer, and before I know it he's by my side, smiling at Dil.

"Now, time for the other way," I say, placing him on his back on my lap, making him start to cry. I put my head over him, looking down at him and smiling.

"It's okay bubs," I coo, watching his smile come back and he starts to squirm again on my lap. I smile and move him back onto the floor as he continues to squirm. I smile and then he stops, a confused look coming on his face.

"Dil, like this," Gabi says as she lays down next to him on her back. He looks at her as she rolls away from him onto her stomach, and he smiles as he looks back to me, and I smile. He smiles even wider and starts to move himself towards Gabi, and about 15 minutes later, he turns over to his stomach, and his adorable little squeal and giggle fills the room as he has his wide smile and pounds lightly on the ground, squirming in excitement. We all laugh at how proud he is, and my heart swells as he turns to look at me. I pick him up and smile.

"My baby boy," I smile, and he babbles in response, "Yes, mama's little boy."

He smiles and starts to babble again, explaining this huge story to me. I place him onto my lap and look at him with intense amusement as Josh takes Gabi back into the kitchen. I nod in understanding as Dillon finishes his huge story, full of hand motions and depth, "Yeah."

He smiles as I move him so that his back is against my chest, and he snuggles against me, making my heart swell. I pick him up and bring him into the kitchen so that I can eat something.

I place Dillon in his carrier and quickly grab some fruit from the fridge as soon as I hear him start a little crying fit. I grab another teething toy from the fridge as I return the other one and hand Dillon the frozen one, causing him to place it into his mouth and calm down almost immediately. I sigh in relief as I sit next to him, slowly moving his carrier back and forth to rock it slightly to keep him calm.

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