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Topanga and I both turn around on our heels, and all I can see is this guy. He's... indescribable. He's.... okay, he's hot. Anddddd he's walking this way. This is Josh? Oh god.

Anddd of course, Dillon starts crying. I still have my gaze on Josh, and his on mine, but now his eyes are wide as he stops walking and practically runs over. Once I see him start running, I break out of my daze and kneel down with Dillon. Right as I grab him from the basket, I feel someone next to me. It's Josh.

"Shhh shh shh," I shush Dillon as I bounce him lightly.

"I'm so sorry," he whispers, "I had no idea."

"Shh shh shh," I shush Dillon again and then whisper to Josh, "It's fine, it's not your fault. Like you said, you didn't know."

I shush him a few more times and rock him gently in my arms until he finally goes back to sleep and I place him back into the basket. Josh stands up and reaches out his hand for me to take. I take it and he pulls me up.

"I really am sorry," he says once I get up, and I realize the space between us is, let's just say, not so big, so I take a step back.

"And it's really okay," I assure him, "You didn't know."

"I'm guessing you're Maya... right?" he asks, pointing to me.

"That's me," I say, and I realize the tiredness in my voice, "And you're 'Uncle Josh'?"

"The one and only," he states, extending his arms out to his sides motioning to himself, making me laugh lightly.

"Nice to meet you," I say, holding out my hand and takes it, shaking it.

"By the way, we've met before, but nice to meet you too," he points out, and I nod knowingly.

"Sorry, I don't..." I say as I quickly take my hand away and look down, embarrassed.

"Remember? Don't worry, I don't take it personally. You were young. I barely remember anything from the age of 8 and under; I'm honestly surprised that I even remembered you at all, so I totally get it," he explains.

"Great," I sigh in relief.

"What? You were hoping I remembered something embarra-" he starts, but I instinctively go on my tip-toes and cover his mouth to stop him from talking. Both of our eyes widen at the contact, and I quickly put my hand down and into my pocket, averting eye contact.

"Well that just got real interesting real fast," Topanga says, and I remember that she's still here and realize the task at hand. I back away and sigh.

"Well, you are here for a reason..." I say to Josh, finally making eye contact, and I see that he forgot too when I see the realization in his eyes when his eyes make contact with my pressing ones.

"Oh yeah, how can I help you guys?


Word Count: 495

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