Panic Vol 2

115 2 1


My breath is caught in my throat when I don't see her. I quickly run out of the room, into the main area.

I quickly run into the bathroom; maybe she wanted to perfect her potty training? Nope, not there. I run out and almost lose hope.

Okay, I know this is a stretch, but maybe she's in Josh's room?

I go in there, and nothing. My breathing is so uneven I'm having trouble taking in breaths as I run out of Josh's room.

"Where is she?" Farkle asks, his voice unsure.

"I-I d-don't... know..." I say, running my hand through my hair. I quickly grab my phone and tap the only person that can help.




Hey it's Josh, you know what to do.

I sigh in frustration and immediately hang up.

Ring (x3)

Hey it's Josh, y-

Let's try this again.

Ring (x3)



I look down at my hand and see how much I'm shaking.

Oh god. This is never good.

Just then, my phone rings.

Oh thank god.

I immediately answer it and bring it to my ear.

"Maya," he breathes out, "What's wrong?"

"Do you have Gabi?" I ask, and I can hear the shakiness in my voice.

"What?" he asks.

"Gabi's not here," I say.

"Uhh, no...." he says, worry growing in his voice.

"Where are you?" I ask, the curiosity getting the better of me; but also I just need him.

"Babe, don't worry. I'm already getting on the subway. I was paying Andrew, Jas, and Charlotte a visit; I'll be there soon," he says, "I knew something was wrong right when I saw the missed calls, I'll get there as fast as possible."

"O-Okay," I sigh, "Please, I'm panicking here."

"I know Honey," he breathes out, "Give me ten minutes, tops."

"Okay," I say, a little more sure now.

"Do you need me to stay on with you?" he asks, and I nod, but then remember that this is not a video call.

"Please," I muster out.

"Okay Baby, now breathe for me," he says, and I follow his every word while hearing his calming voice, drastically calming me down.

Exactly 10 Minutes later, Josh comes in quickly and engulfs me in an embrace. I swear, being in his arms is the best feeling ever.

"We'll find her My," he whispers, making me smile against his chest.

"Hey Farkle, any chance you could call Riley?" he asks, and Farkle nods, but then he looks over at me and looks between Dillon and I. I nod and he walks over.

I reluctantly pull away from Josh's embrace, taking Dillon from Farkle and he immediately takes out his phone and calls Riley.

I look down at Dillon and see him, hugging my shirt tightly. My heart melts at him.

"Is that your shirt?" Josh asks, and I nod.

"Yeah, he's been very clingy recently," I say.

"I can tell," he smirks, and I laugh softly as Josh wraps his arms around my waist.

"How are you not freaking out?" I ask him softly.

"I honestly don't know, but probably because I heard you on the phone; I knew that you were freaking out, so I had to keep myself somewhat calm to keep you calm," he says, "I don't think it would be really calming to hear me freaking out."

I laugh softly, "You're not wrong."

"Most of the time I'm not," he says, and I smile.

"Ah!" Dillon squeals, and my attention goes right back to him.

"Hey baby," I say, 'booping' his nose, and a huge smile comes on his face as he starts to wave his hands around, dropping my shirt in the process.

"Oh, are you doing your exercising?" I ask, showing him a shocked and impressed face.

"Ah!!" he screams, squirming even more.

"Josh, I gotta move babe," I murmur, and Josh lets out a quick 'Oh,' before he lets go. I smile and turn around, giving him a quick kiss and grabbing his hand as we go over to the living room.

I quickly put Dillon down on the ground, sitting with him.

He immediately squeals and tries to crawl over to the couch, and I immediately grab him and place him on my lap, "Uh uh, no," I say.

His smile falters, but then a new smile comes onto his face, "Na."

He tries to crawl off my lap but I place him back on my lap, "No Dillon."

I give him my look and the smile immediately goes away as he cuddles into me.

Just then, I hear Farkle say, "Okay, bye," and then we hear him coming over.

"She's not there," Farkle says, and I start to panic.

Josh immediately rubs my arm, and I calm down a little.

"Where could she be?" I ask, worry and fear coursing through my veins. I need her safe.

"Well, the thing is..." Farkle starts, "She was there."

"How did she even get there?" I ask.

"They don't know, but they had Cory bring her home," he says, and I mentally facepalm.

"Seriously?" I ask.

"Yeah, they haven't heard anything from them, and it's been 45 minutes," Farkle then says, and flinches.

"It's not your fault Farkle," I say, and he sighs.

"I-I really just hope she's okay," I continue, and we all nod.

Just then, I feel something vibrate. I check my phone, but it's not mine, "Josh."

"Oh," he says, and when he takes out his phone he stands up, "I'm so sorry, I have to take this."

"It's okay," I assure him.

"I'll be right back," he says, and I nod and smile at him despite my worry as he leaves into his room.


Word Count: 954
Thank you Exhale_Kate for voicing your thoughts on whether I should make a sequel. It really helps, and because of your advice, I got the inspiration I needed to think of a new book. No details yet, but I think it's going to be great! Thank you Kate!!

As for everyone else, please let me know your thoughts. As you can see, your opinions mean the world to me, and push me to be a better writer.

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