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Marriage Advice with xxmilkybqbesxx:

hey my loves! i have surprisingly a large amount of private messages about marriage and relationships. and here i am to give you some of my advice from personal experiences.

so first off, my real name is Maria Sofia Lopez- Carter. I'm 22, originally from Barcelona but moved to Colorado after some family events happened. I met my husband, Noah Carter, when i was 17, at a baby shower. at first we both didn't really want a relationship but unfortunately you can't control your feelings. so we started dating and he went off to college. my uncle works in real estate and got me a job with him so i stayed in Colorado, and this really tested our relationship. long distance was really hard, but the key is anticipation. anticipation makes for a greater passion. how can i trust my partner if we're separated? stability and being on the same page as your significant other is reallyyyy good when it comes to long distance. also what really helped me and Noah was we came up with a schedule. so obviously we texted throughout the day but we had the time set (since we were in different time zones) what time we would call each other, which we'd try to at least two times a day. be honest and communicate your feelings to one another!

Now marriage! NOBODY TOLD ME HOW HARD MARRIAGE IS UGH! okay so the best advice i can give is honestly trust, loyalty, and communication. and ik ik everyone says this but this is really the key. unfortunately me and Noah have had some issues when it comes to loyalty, before the pandemic happened, me and him were going to go our separate ways, and started the very beginning of the divorce process. i was actually going to move to Orange County but covid hit and we got quarantined together. at first i couldn't stand it lmaoo, we lived in separate parts of our house. but we both just had that feeling it wasn't right. Noah came to me and said he wasn't fine with ending our marriage and begged me to try out marriage counseling. don't ever be ashamed if you have to resort to counseling or therapy for your relationship, it truly saved my marriage. remember to also trust each other and at the end of the day, love is truly amazing. if you have anymore questions, please let me know and message me. hope this helped, i'm here if you guys need any more advice on literally anything. i don't like calling you guys just readers, you all are apart of the xxmilkybqbesxx family, none of the success i received wouldnt have happened if it wasn't for you all. so thank you and don't be afraid to message me, i love interacting with you!

AND NOWWWW: back to your regularly scheduled program- His Hound Of Justice:


"Cut it out!" Joe rolled his eyes. "She's just someone to pass time with. That's all, other than that, she means nothing to me."

"Alright man, whatever you say." Seth shrugged, deciding he wouldn't push Joe any further.

She's just someone to pass time with

Royce could feel her heart pumping out of her chest. She turned back around and quickly made her way to the gorilla. Was everything a lie? Did yesterday night mean nothing to him? All this time was she just a booty call? None of it made sense. Whenever it was just them, Joe was overly affectionate with her. From kissing her cheek in grocery stores to holding her hand in public. But was it all for his benefit.

"Royce?" Nikki called her.

She looked up and almost broke down once she locked eyes with her friend. "Joe..." Was all she managed to say.

"What happened?" Nikki came to her side.

"Royce, are you okay?" Paige walked over to the two.

Royce quickly explained everything since their match was next. All of the girls were livid once they heard the news.

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