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Royce walked through her new apartment in Tampa. After packing everything up from Neels' place, she decided she'd move back to Florida, close to home but not too close. She sighed seeing the amount of boxes she had yet to unpack and put away. Today was defiantly going to be a long day. Since her and Paiges title loss with the Bellas, Royce suffered some shoulder separation and would be taking some time off.

Ever since the phone call with Joe, she still hadn't seen him. It's like he called her just to tease her. But at this point, Royce was over the games. She was over men.

The doorbell rang interrupting her thoughts. Walking over to the door, she opened it. A face she hadn't seen in a long time.


"Sup Roy." Nick smiled and walked in.

Royce closed the door, still confused. "How.. What? What are you doing here? And how did you know I live here?"

"Paige can easily be persuaded when she wants to." Nick replied. "She gave me the address and here I am."

She crossed her arms. "Okay... Why?"

He sighed and played with a pillow. "I know how badly you want marriage and children. I know I couldn't give that to you, but.. Then I seen you with Joe. Then Neels-

"We are not getting back together." Royce interrupted him.

Nick laughed and looked her way. "I just wanted to make sure you were alright. We spent four long damn years together. I didn't come here to just bs with you."

"Nick what the hell are you on?" Royce grew impatient. She had zero idea where he was going with this.

He stood up and groaned. "Listen for once woman!" He quickly flinched. "Don't hit me!"

She rolled her eyes at his actions. "Nick, why are you here?"

"You know I always want the best for you. And I haven't seen you smile the way you used to with Joe. I did whatever I could to make you happy but we both want different futures." Nick concluded. "So instead of sitting here looking at boxes that'll take you a whole month to unpack because you procrastinate, get your ass up and go get him."

Taking in a deep breath, Royce tensed up. "I can't." She whispered.

"Why not?" He wondered.

"Cause I'm afraid what'll happen if I do." Royce looked at the floor.

"Royce Presley Mahfud won't take a risk for once in her life?" Nick fake gasped. "Damn you have it bad."

She furrowed her eyebrows. "Have what bad?"

"I was the same way when I first met you." Nick leaned against the countertop and smiled. "I fell hard. Just like you are right now."

"We were better off as friends." Royce shrugged.

"Are you trying to convince me or yourself that?" He wondered.

Silence fell between the two.

"Roy, I just want you to be happy." Nick nudged her. "Guys don't always have to make the first move. If you want him, go get him!"

Go get him!


Royce stood in front of Joe's house, panicking. What is she gonna say? What is she gonna do? Where do you even start?

She rang the doorbell, immediately regretting it. She prepared herself to make a run for it. God why did she have to park on the street?

A few moments later the door opened.

𝐻𝒾𝓈 𝐻𝑜𝓊𝓃𝒹 𝒪𝒻 𝒥𝓊𝓈𝓉𝒾𝒸𝑒~ 𝑅𝑜𝓂𝒶𝓃 𝑅𝑒𝒾𝑔𝓃𝓈 𝐹𝒶𝓃𝒻𝒾𝒸Where stories live. Discover now