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"Hello?" Joe walked in Royce's room.

"How did you get in?" Royce sat up from the bed.

He held up a car key card. "You left you second set in my room. Anyways, get up."

"Whyyy?" She groaned and fell back in the bed, covering her face with the pillow.

"We're going shopping." Joe said. "Come on."

"No." She protested.

"Yes." Joe argued, beginning to pull the blankets off of her.

"Stop! I don't have pants on!" Royce held the blankets tight.

"I've seen you with zero clothing on, we're past that." He pointed out. "Come on, you said you needed concealer."

"I was joking Joe-

"I wasn't." He stated seriously. "My treat, I'll buy you whatever you want."

Royce quickly sat up. "I'm bouta make your pockets hurt boy."


"Maybe this was a mistake." Joe anxiously sighed as he seen Royce walk around in Sephora, multiple items in her basket.

"You owe me!" Royce pointed at him. "Okay I'm done."

They went up to the cash register, Royce pulled out her credit card.

"I said I was buying." Roman lowered her hand.

She looked at him, "I was just joking. This stuff is kinda pricy, I got it."

Before she could swipe her card, he quickly had already done so. "I intend on keeping my word."

Royce smiled at him and grabbed the bag. "Thanks."

"No problem." He flashed his smirk.

The two walked around the mall together, both shopping for themselves. She tried to get away from him but he followed her like a lost puppy.

"You need a new bra?" Roman asked; seeing Royce look in that department.

"Maybe," she shrugged. "You did rip my favorite one."

"I couldn't help myself." Joe came closer, his hand wrapping around her waist. "You're unbelievably beautiful."

"Save it for a rainy day." Royce pushed his hand off and turned the corner.

"Oh my god Royce Presley!" A teenage girl gasped. "And Roman Reigns! Can I get a picture with you guys?"

"Sure." Royce and Joe laughed at the girls excitement.

After taking multiple pictures the fan turned to Royce. "I'm so sorry about the breakup! Honestly Nick will never find anyone as amazing as you, not even that model, ugh."

"M-model?" Royce stuttered.

"This model named Jessica White, she confirmed their relationship on Instagram the other day. It was an on and off again thing in 2015." She informed her. "Oh, I have to go, my rides here. It was so nice to meet you guys!"

"You too!" Joe said and Royce faked a smile.

Her chest felt tight, she felt tears in her eyes.

"You okay?" Joe placed his hand on her shoulder.

"I just want to go." Royce managed to get out and walked to the car. Once they were in, she slammed the door and went online. Yup, he moved on.

"Roy.." Joe said.

"Am I not wife material?" She turned to him, already crying. "Am I not someone people want to marry? I'm just a pretty face huh? People use me for my body and face but when it comes down to something serious, they run. Can guys not see me as being a wife and a mom? Do I really scare them off that bad?"

𝐻𝒾𝓈 𝐻𝑜𝓊𝓃𝒹 𝒪𝒻 𝒥𝓊𝓈𝓉𝒾𝒸𝑒~ 𝑅𝑜𝓂𝒶𝓃 𝑅𝑒𝒾𝑔𝓃𝓈 𝐹𝒶𝓃𝒻𝒾𝒸Where stories live. Discover now