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"Asad its time to go, mummy is waiting for you at home"I said packing his bag.
"Yes coming" he replied running down stairs with Mama behind him.
"I told you to stop running, you may fall my love" I said giving him a soft pinch on his cheeks.
"I will miss you Anty musrafa"
"I will miss you too honey bunch" I replied.

"Yay, Dada is here" Asad shouted.
"Yes, let's be going"
"Tomorrow is school day don't trouble mummy in the morning, okay?".
" I promise" he replied smiling.
"Bye sweet heart".
"Bye, bye Anty Musrafa, Mama, yaya" he said giving them both a tight hug.

Talking of school day, I would have to skip school for the hearing in court tomorrow. Am not ready yet!! But Inshallah God is by our side.

"Mama, I want to go out" I said giving her a smile.
"To where, you should..."
"Mubeena's place" I replied interrupting.
"Okay" she replied leaving for her room.
I quickly took a bath and dressed up in my  yellow Atampha. Putting on a light make up and headed out. I drove round the city before heading to mubeeba's house.

"Assalamu Alaikum" I said on going in.
"Wa'alaikumusalam!" Mubeena shouted giving me a tight hug.
"I can't breath" I uttered slowly.
"Oh sorry, I have missed you so much"
"Yes I see, and it seemed you lost your memory, don't you know our house anymore, my number, even through yaya?!!" I said untying my veil.
"Am sorry, I didn't want to add to your worries, I couldn't stand looking at you in the last past weeks" she said bowing her head down.
"Yeah" I replied.
"Where is Mama" I asked.
"She is in her room" she replied.
"Let's go"
"Ina wuni Mama" I greeted.
"Musrafa" Hajiya Asiya called adjusting her glasses which was fixed on her nose.
"Na'am,Ya gida?" I asked.
"Alhamdulillah" she replied reaching her hand for a hand shake.
"Assalamu Alaikum" she said
"Wa'alaikumusalam" I replied letting go of her hand.

"Girl, am sacred!" I said cleaning my glasses with a handkerchief.
"Don't be, the lied is always disappointed.
" I wish I would see that Mr.Arif I would squeeze him with my bear hands".she said raising her eyebrows making her look really pissed off and evil.
"You sure do" I said laughing.
"How is my yaya" I asked making Ber giggle.
"I should asked you that" she replied tying her head tie.
"Wow babe you fine" I said as she asks me to zip her gown.
"Oh thank you love".
"Hook me up with your tailor" I said trying to take a photo of her.
"No worries, let's go outside and take pictures" she said.
"Here is my phone" she said handing me over her iPhone 8+.
"Sure" I replied.
I took some shots and handed her back her phone.

"How is Ammar?" She asked"And, how am I suppose to know that?!" I  asked her raising my eyebrows

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"How is Ammar?" She asked
"And, how am I suppose to know that?!" I  asked her raising my eyebrows.
"Umm, I know you Musrafa, you like him" she said pinching me hard on my arm.
"Stop it!" I shouted.
"Not until you tell me the Truth" she said pinching me more.
"Okay! I like him, Alright?" I said making a relieved face as she let go of my arm.
"I knew it!" She smirked.
"What ever" I replied rolling my eyes.
"Send me the pictures please" I said handing her my phone.
"Xender?!" She said.
"Yes baby, I don't have data" I replied.
"Umm, okay oo" she replied.

Mubeena forced me to remove my glasses so I would take a picture.
"I can't see, its too bright our here" I said rubbing my eyes.
"Don't worry stay by the door and just pose " she said adjusting my head tie.

"Don't worry stay by the door and just pose " she said adjusting my head tie

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My phone rang " Yaya".
"Hello, yaya?" I said.
"Where are you he asked?"
"At mubeena's" I replied.
"Okay, come home soon" he said.
"Is everything okay?" I asked.
I hung off the call without answering my questions.

"I have to go now, yaya just called" I said rapping my veil on my shoulder.
"Hope all is fine?" She asked.
"I don't know" I replied heading out.
"Tell Mama am off" I said.
"Inshallah, bye"


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