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"Amma where does this Hajiya safina live?" I asked Amma while munching on my suya.
"Emm, katsina" she replied stuffing suya in her mouth.
Jackpot! I will be on my way to katsina today I thought.
"Amma I have to go now, I have assignment to finish" I added.
"Why don't you bring it here and finish, I will be discharged today inshallah" she replied.
Oh yes! That will be awesome, I will talk to yaya about my plan to take Amma home as soon as she gets discharged and make sure he is with her all day.
"Emm no Amma I have to print it out" I replied.
I stood up and dusted my gown which was covered with meat and yaji(pepper) drops.
"Yaya" I called who was busy with his phone.
"Umm" he replied raising his eyebrows.
"Can we talk outside" I whispered to his ears.
He didn't reply but shook his head in sign of yes.

"Is that all you want me to do?" He asked
"I thought it was something hard and complicated" he added.
" it might not be hard and complicated for you but it is for me, maybe because you are a lawyer " I replied stressing the lawyer.
"Whatever" he replied snacking his lips.
"I have to go now" I replied
"Katsina" I replied turning to leave immediately before he stops me.
"Musrafa!" He called but I ignored him and got in my car and drove away.
I picked some little items from the mall and headed to katsina.
With all the police and road service stopping me useless interrogation.
"Why are traveling alone?" They would ask and I reply with "I am coming back from school!".
After a long journey from Kaduna to katsina I finally arrived. It wasn't my first time in katsina so I knew places. I asked for directions to Alhaji Muhammad gobir's house and after Like forever I got it.
There I was packing in front of a big beautiful mansion which seemed to be the only house in the street.
I placed a light knock on the gate and a man in his late thirties opened the gate to peep.
"Sannun ka sai" I greeted.
"Yauwa sannu"
"Please I need to see Hajiya safina" I said adjusted my hand bag on my wrist.
"Am sorry do you have an appointment?" He asked.
"actually, no"
"But its very important" I added.
"Am sorry I can't let you in as you can see the security it tight" he replied pointing at two men with heavy body and guns.
"They would shoot you if any of the house members does not recognize you" he added.
"Wow" was all that came out of my mouth.
How I wish I was this royal.
"I understand but please " I said
"I have an information about the missing child" I added.
"What did you say?" A voice from behind said.
She was tall but slim maybe in her late twenties. She wore a pink baggy shirt and a sweatpants which made her look very bossy and hot.
"Let her in " she commanded.
"Yes Hajiya" the guard replied quickly opening the door for me to enter.
OMG! Is this Paradise, A beautiful water fall standing in the center of the house with water gushing out, garden by the left with red, white and pink roses and lastly the outside view of the house was just amazing I can't wait to get inside.
"Are you sure of what you said ?" She asked.
"Yes" I stammered.
She looks really bossy and I like her.
"Come in" she said leading me inside Paradise.
"Ammi!" She called on getting in.
The two huge men were given a scary look making me to move a little bit aside to avoid their wart.
"Come in " she said
"I removed my shoes by the door and went in"
!!!!!!!!!! My !Mind was blank I couldn't explain how the house looks I was speechless. Are there this kind of houses in Nigeria? Katsina!!?.
"Make yourself comfortable" she said making her way upstairs leaving me to day dream.
I starred and touched almost everything I saw. That was my bad habit.
The sound of clinking heals made me to run back to the sofa and seat pretending I was watching TV.
The strong scent of Arabian oud and expensive lacce made me to turn to see this beautiful angel standing by my side.
Fair in complexion, probably in her early forties putting on a broad smile on her face.
"Ina wuni" I greeted squatting down.
"Er tah" (my child)" she said raising me up by my shoulder.
I felt shy all of a sudden
"Ya gida" she asked
"Lafiya Mama" I replied.
"Seat down my child"
Why does she keep calling me that!?.
"Get her a cup of juice and some snacks" she ordered the maid.
"No mama you don't have to"  I said
"No eat something at least " she replied.
"Tell me about this boy you think is my child" she said in a shaking voice.
"Ammi where is your purse" came a sweet voice running down stairs.
"Oh sorry" she said noticing me.
She was really beautiful, kind of chubby and sexy I already love their personality.
I hope they are who I think they are.
I smiled and her and starred into her eyes they look just like Ammar's.
"Ina wuni" she greeted rubbing her arms.
"Lafiya " I replied smiling.
"Its up in my room" Hajiya safina replied.
"Okay Ammi" she said running up stairs.
Masha Allah.
"Did you meet him?" She asked.
"Alhamdulillah, my son!" She said interrupting.
I told her everything starting from how I met Ammar and till date.
"Hajiya Maryam" she said exhaling hard.
"Ammi calm down" Zainab said.
"Yes mama, you don't need to worry everything will be fine" I said giving her a hug.
"What will we do my child?" She asked.
"I have a plan" I replied.
"What's happening" farida asked
"They have found your brother" Hajiya safina replied
"Yay! Alhamdulillah!"
"I can't wait to see him!" She exclaimed.
"Me too!" Zainab shouted hugging her sister.
"Go get ready" she ordered the girls.
"We are about to go for a war" she added.
War!? It isn't that tough is it?.
I watched as the girls rush upstairs leaving me and Hajiya safina.
"Thank you my child" she said with her eyes filled with tears squeezing my hands in hers.
It felt really good and special.
"No mama thank you, I'm doing this for Ammar" I replied.
"You are really beautiful" she added making me to giggle.
Am I?
"Thank you mama" I replied, I could feel my cheek heat up.
"Let me go get ready and get the boys ready" she said.
Boys!? Are there other children?
"Boys?" I asked
"Yes, the security men" she replied.
"Oh okay" I replied smiling.

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