Sora Proposes to Kairi

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It's been three years since the death of Master Xehanort, it also has been two years since Sora found Kairi by using the power of waking and brought her back home, but unfortunately it led him to disappear, a few months after Sora has disappear, Kairi has decided to go to sleep, because she believes her heart hold a clue about Sora, Riku been having dreams about Sora and the fairy godmother was sent by Merlin and Master Yen Sid to talk to Riku about his dreams, because it held a clue, Riku and Kairi save Sora and brought him home, Aqua, Master Yen, Riku and Mickey decided to give Sora the mark of mastery exam, but this time he has pass and was name a true Keyblade Master, Sora and Kairi has been dating ever since he was recuse, all of their friends were happy for them, ever since Kairi has brought Sora back, he did not want to be apart from her, he always wanted to be with her, even when Sora fought the Foretellers, Xigbar/Luxu and the Master of Masters, the Foretellers betrayed Luxu to help Sora to fight the Foretellers, the Foretellers decided to betray Luxu and help Sora to fight Luxu, Kairi, the Master of Masters became one with Sora, because it turns out that Sora was the Master of Masters, this adult Sora came from a very bad past, the one when darkness had won, and he had to watch his friends and the love of his life die, after Sora and his older self fought, the Master of Masters decided to managed with his younger self.

It's been two years since Sora was found and the final battle with Luxu, the Foretellers and the Master of Masters, Sora felt it was time to ask the girl, he loves, to marry him, he met her over the Paopu Fruit tree, where she was waiting for him at.

"Kairi, there's something, I want to ask you."

"What is it Sora, is there something wrong?"

"No, not at all, everything is just fine."

"I was worried that you wanted to break up with me."

"No Kairi, I would never break up with you, I love you with all of my heart, so you don't have to ever worry about that."

"I love you too Sora."

Sora got down on one knee as he held Kairi's hand.

"Kairi, I know we're not exactly grown ups yet, but I have something really important to ask you. "Kairi, I have made many friends through my journey and I care for them all very much, but there is no one else that I could ever care for more than you, your my light in the darkness, you're the one who always made me feel my happiest, your the girl, I love and I want to be with you forever, I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, I want forever with you, we've shared the paopu fruit which means tying our fate to each other forever, making sure we'll never be apart from each other, you're the greatest thing that ever happened to me, ever since that day, when I sacrificed myself to free your heart, then you saved me, I'am in love with you and I can't stand to be without you, you're light of my heart, as I'am yours, you've always have been my guiding key, your the one who I care for the most, so what I'am trying to ask is," He pulled out the tiny black box and open it, showing a gold ring with a red diamond shape like a heart in the middle. "Kairi Marie Hikari will you marry me?"

Kairi gasped at the sight of the beautiful ring, the man of her dreams has proposed to her on a beautiful sunset in the most romantic way. "Yes, I'll marry you."

Sora smiles and slips the ring on her finger as he stands up and hugs her, while she hugs him back. "We'll always be a part of each others life no matter what."

"Right, and no one won't ever come between us.

"That's right, I won't allow it."

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